After a traumatic experience with postpartum Hellp Syndrome, two blood transfusions, a 24 hour magnesium drip several hours after the birth of her daughter in 2017, and a miscarriage in 2019, Vered and her husband had garnered a solid and trusted medical team in her new OB and Doula, and felt mentally prepared to safely welcome their son in 2020. Then the Covid19 pandemic hit just one month before her due date. The doula she had hired would have to participate in the birth virtually and each day leading up to the birth it was unclear if she would be allowed to have her husband in the delivery room with her. For anyone this would be a frightening experience, but even more so for a high-risk patient.

Vered Asta Bio
Vered lives in Maryland with her husband, 3 ½ year old daughter and 7-month-old son. She is the Co-Founder and Event specialist at Vela Events where she helps couples, families, and organizations coordinate and celebrate milestone moments. Vered is currently looking to engage in projects that educate women about preeclampsia and Hellp syndrome. You can find her @veredsasta or @velaevents.
This episode is sponsored by Crane Humidifiers. Crane’s colorful humidifiers are a nursery necessity to help relieve your baby’s tiny congested nose, which can make feeding and sleeping a struggle for both baby and mom. A happy baby is a healthy baby. Crane is generously offering $10 OFF and free shipping on all of their full-priced, 1 gallon, adorable animal shaped humidifiers and drop humidifiers with the code BIRTH20 at Check out their new top fill drop humidifier here or via Wal-Mart.
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