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Intervention-free hospital birth followed by asking for interventions for second birth
Claire describes her two different births below:
First baby: very barfy while pregnant and was hospitalized for Hyperemesis. An intervention-free labor at a pretty crunchy hospital. Very empowering but also a little trauma-inducing with a second degree tear and very vivid memories of the pain.
Second baby: also very barfy, but now with a toddler! Hospitalized yet again and lost weight so was put on a Pedialyte/Ensure diet. Wanted to try a different type of birth. Got an epidural and it was HEAVENLY. Strange hospital experience in that I had to ask for interventions!
Claire Swinarski Bio
Claire is a wife and mom living in the suburbs of Milwaukee. She’s the author of WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, a middle grade novel coming from HarperCollins in the fall, as well as GIRL, ARISE, which was released by Ave Maria Press in February. She’s also the founder of the Catholic Feminist Podcast, where she interviews guests about women and the Church. You can follow her on Instagram at @whatclairesaw.

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