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sarah rainwater birth story

Long Unmedicated Hospital Birth

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18 Hours of Labor, Hospital Birth

Sarah gave birth to Hayden Rainwater on January 15th, 2017 at 7:27pm, after almost 18 hours of natural labor. Hayden was born at 40 weeks and 2 days gestation. Sarah started labor at 1:30am on Sunday morning. She was convinced that the contractions were “fake” and tried everything in her power to get them to “go away.” After a hot bath and plenty of water, she woke up her husband, Travis, and they decided to head to the hospital (located in Cottonwood, over an hour away). Contractions were around 6 mins apart at this point.

Sarah met her midwife, Stephanie, at the hospital around 6:00am. Stephanie checked her and declared she was still only dilated to 2cm (same as a week prior). Due to living so far away from the Cottonwood hospital, they agreed to stay and labor, expecting a baby sometime later that night. After walking the hallways and laboring in the tub, Sarah was checked again at 4:30pm. She had dilated to a 5. Contractions were now incredibly intense and were coming 45 seconds – 1 min apart, and lasting every bit of 60 seconds.

Sarah was checked again at 6:30pm and was then a 7. At this point Stephanie broke Sarah’s water upon her request. Sarah progressed fast and was dilated to a 9 only 25 mins later. Sarah began pushing at 6:50pm and pushed for 45 mins. Hayden was born at 7:27. Sarah had a long unmedicated childbirth. Hayden weighed 7lbs 4oz.”

Sarah Rainwater Bio

Sarah is 28 years old and is the owner of two large hot yoga studios located in Northern Arizona. She started her first business shortly after turning 25 and has learned a lot about being a woman in the fast paced world of business. Sarah and her husband Travis Rainwater collectively own 4 separate businesses and live a very busy lifestyle. Sarah and Travis met in 2008 and married in 2013. Sarah is now the mom to a wonderful, two month old baby boy named Hayden Troy Rainwater. Sarah loves being a mom and absolutely loved her natural childbirth experience. She has found a lot of joy in sharing her experience with new expecting mothers. Sarah and Travis look forward to continue growing their family and businesses.


Hypnobabies: Travis and I completed the program prior to birth.
– Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Natural Childbirth
– The Birth Hour (Of course!)

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