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jordan york birth stories

Cesarean, Hospital VBAC & Homebirth VBAC Birth Stories

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Cesarean Birth, Hospital VBAC & Homebirth VBAC Stories

Being surprised by her first pregnancy, Jordan found a provider off the recommendation of co-workers. After a whirlwind pregnancy of sickness and weight loss, Jordan delivered her daughter by c-section at 40 weeks and 2 days. Her postpartum was foggy and she struggled to get a grip on being a mother.

In 2014 Jordan became pregnant and knew she wanted a different experience: she wanted a vaginal birth. With the support of her husband, they were able to find a midwife who delivered in a hospital. After 41 weeks and 4 days she delivered their son vaginally and with out medication. Her VBAC was a healing moment for her, and with her postpartum period being clear she still felt as if something was missing from her birthing experience. The hospital required a lot of monitoring and she labored long and hard, she forget to be present while birthing her son.

When she became pregnant for the third time she knew this baby was to be born at home. After consulting with her midwife and doula they were able to help her find a home birth midwife. Planning for birthing at home was a new experience, having had two hospital births she had no idea what to expect. She loved the prenatal visits at her home, they allowed her children to really be involved in the whole process. Then after 4 days of prodromal labor and 4 hours of active labor it was time at 41 weeks and 6 days (her longest pregnancy), she delivered a daughter in her home.

In the comfort of her own room, she pushed for 15 mins while her husband was able to support her mentally and physically. Her doula was by her side and again was an invaluable resource, just as with the birth of her son. Her third postpartum has been the most thoughtful of them all. Having planned for a lay in period was the best decision for her and her family. It did come with its own struggles, but with the help of family and friends they were able to give Jordan time to heal and bond with her new daughter. After her three different experiences she still holds every birth in her heart. Her births have helped her realize that your birth does not define you. Your feelings about your birth will help propel you down a path and that is the really important part.

Jordan York Bio

Jordan, a native Floridian, lives in Dallas with her Texan husband and three beautiful children. As a breastfeeding advocate and cloth diaper enthusiast, she spends her days working behind the scenes for her husband’s social media platform and loving on their children. Having experienced postpartum depression and perinatal depression she believes we must always remember to love ourselves and know our mothering journeys are unique our own, always be willing to ask for help. Connect with her via Facebook or Instagram.


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