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Homebirth Transfer, Three Losses, & Redemptive Homebirth

Homebirth Transfer, 2 Miscarriages, and an Ectopic Pregnancy

Sasha, the daughter of a midwife, planned for a home birth with her first son, but after 24 hours of labor and stalling out at 8cms, the decision was made to transfer to the hospital. Her son was born three hours after they arrived into his grandma’s hands.

Sasha felt a lot of disappointment in herself that her birth didn’t go the way she had envisioned. She started trying for baby #2 just after her son turned one. In a matter of eight months she experienced two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. When she finally got pregnant with her second son she planned for another home birth. She went into spontaneous labor 10 days past her due date and her rainbow baby was born into her arms on her bedroom floor after one hour of labor. She wants women to know that your first labor does not dictate future labors. Every baby and every delivery is so different.

Sasha Ruscheinski Bio

Sasha is a 27 year old wife and mother from Langley, British Columbia. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Blake, is a full stay-at-home mom to their two sons and runs her own small business. Connect with her on Instagram.

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This episode is sponsored by Aeroflow BreastpumpsAeroflow helps new and pregnant moms qualify for breast pumps through their health insurance. They carry all of the major brands, including Medela, Spectra, Lansinoh, Evenflo, and more. Visit their website to get started today, and your dedicated breast pump specialist will take care of all of the paperwork for you, including getting a prescription from your doctor and filing the claim with your insurance. Go here to get started!


Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Business of Being Born
Spinning Babies
The Birth Hour

3 Replies to “Homebirth Transfer, Three Losses, & Redemptive Homebirth”

  1. What episode number is this on iTunes? I just had an ectopic and am anxious to hear what it was like TTC afterwards

    • This is one of our episode archives. You can listen to this and over 300 additional episodes by becoming a listener supporter for just $5/month at

      • I am part of the Patreon group and have access to all of the episodes in iTunes but I just can’t find which episode number it is

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