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heidi kim birth story

Stillbirth, Rainbow Baby Waterbirth and Accidental Unassisted Birth Stories

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Stillbirth, Waterbirth and Accidental Unassisted Homebirth

After losing her first daughter to stillbirth, Heidi had a complicated pregnancy journey to her second birth. But the storm clouds lifted when she heard her rainbow baby’s first cries after a long and difficult, but empowering, waterbirth that led her down the path of becoming a birth doula. Despite having been to many births by the time she had her 3rd, Heidi was completely shocked when she didn’t recognize her own labor signs and ended up having a surprise, accidental, unassisted homebirth on her toilet with nobody around but her 3 year old. But things got complicated when the ambulance showed up.

heidi kim tv birth story

Heidi Kim Bio

After the heartbreaking loss of her first daughter, Heidi turned to her YouTube channel HeidikimTV as a way of journaling. She never expected people to watch, but so many parents connected with her experience as she went on to become pregnant again. Later, when Heidi was working as a birth doula in Tucson, AZ, she and her husband, Ken, realized how little moments you never expect can have an impact on the person you will become. So they set out to capture these moments on their family’s daily YouTube vlog, Sudden Kimpact, which follows their lives as a stay-home mom and teacher-dad. You can find Heidi on YouTube  as well as in her Facebook breastfeeding support group More Than Milk.

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