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Homebirth Transfer With Supportive Birth Team
Natasha’s first birth was much anticipated. She had been working as a birth doula while also struggling to conceive her own baby. The birth did not go as planned. She wanted her daughter to be born at home, but instead, she was born in the hospital with the use of an epidural. Does this change how she feels about her birth? Not really. She had the support of her partner, her doulas, her midwives, and felt like her choices led the way. When she looks back on this birth, she feels overwhelmed with joy and pride.
Cesarean Birth Where Choice was Removed
Most recently, Natasha gave birth via cesarean section. She found this experience particularly challenging because she felt like her choices were completely taken away from her. After these two very different birth experiences, Natasha feels like the removal of choice from birthing people has a profound impact on the postpartum experience. No one fully explains the complications of healing from a cesarean birth while trying to connect with your newborn. As a birth professional she thought she understood, but nothing prepared her for the reality.
Natasha Marchand Bio
Natasha (COO of bebo mia inc and Baby & Me Fitness) is a super talented creative genius that turned her passion for babies and fitness into a lifelong career. She lives in Toronto with her husband, Chris, and two daughters Sadie & Margo. Natasha is a pre & postnatal fitness/yoga professional, birth-doula trainer, and hypnotherapist. After a long fertility journey with her first daughter, Natasha has positioned herself as a fertility expert. She specializes in working with families with a history of try to conceive through their pregnancy and postpartum period. Connect with her in these ways: Bebo Mia Website
Instagram: @bebomiainc @babyandmefitness
Facebook: @bebomiainc @babyandmefitnessinc
Twitter: @bebomia @babyandmefit
Birth After Infertility
Fertility Matters
Baby positions during pregnancy and birth
Plus Size Birth High Risk
Plus Size Birth Website
A video for massaging cesarean scar
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