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postpartum depression after cesarean

Planned Cesarean for Breech Baby and Postpartum Challenges in Rural Setting

Larissa and her husband, Daniel, got pregnant in the summer of 2023. Living in a very rural area of Georgia, they established care with an OB at a small regional hospital. Larissa hoped to have an unmedicated hospital birth, and so they found a doula willing to travel over two hours and enrolled in the Know Your Options Childbirth Course. Everything was picture perfect with the pregnancy until they learned that baby was still breech at their 36 week ultrasound. Larissa pursued all evidence-based methods of flipping the baby, but decided against an ECV. Larissa found herself grappling with a lot of grief at not being able to experience birth how she envisioned.

Although Larissa’s recovery from surgery went incredibly smoothly, her mental health deteriorated swiftly. Fortunately, she had a support network already in place and was able to find equilibrium with the support of her therapist and medication. Troubleshooting breastfeeding also proved extremely difficult in such a rural area. Despite finding an excellent IBCLC, the distance was too much to manage, and so Larissa transition to exclusively pumping. As of 4 months postpartum, parents, baby, and pup are happy and healthy. 

Lars Stiglich Bio

Lars (short for Larissa) lives in the rural north Georgia mountains with her husband, Daniel, their 4 month old daughter, Iris, and their sweet 10 year old pup, Josey. She is a history professor at a small liberal arts college in the region and Daniel is an occupational therapist. 

Lars’ personal instagram is private, but you can reach her on her public account @rubyreadswidely or by leaving a comment here.


  • Expecting and empowered – they have a website, app, and instagram
  • Exclusively pumping instagrams – @onepumpedmama, @pump_momma_pump and @exclusive_pumping
  • Cribsheet by Emily Oster

SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and usable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA. 

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition has been optimized by tailoring it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with the Genate Test by SNP Therapeutics. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

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