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Surrogate Pregnancy and Birth
When surrogate, Ashley, measured large at her 38 week check, the decision was made to induce her at 39 weeks. Intended parents Nancy and Justin flew from Chicago to Utah, where their surrogate Ashley was set to deliver. Only three days later, they were all together in a labor and delivery room as Ashley was induced with a drip of Pitocin. While labor progressed uneventfully in the beginning, pushing lasted hours as baby Audrey’s head was very large and stuck. Following nearly four hours of pushing, and close to being prepared for a c-section, baby Audrey was born on a strong push at 10:21 pm. Nancy, her intended mother, cut Audrey’s cord and immediately took her into her arms for skin-to-skin bonding as feelings of gratefulness and awe washed over her.
Nancy Rohde Bio
Over three years of infertility treatments and three different doctors told Nancy that she would never be able to conceive a child. Heartbroken, she and her husband turned to surrogacy. Quickly matched with a surrogate, they were further crushed when she experienced a chemical pregnancy and lost the baby before a heartbeat could be detected. Finding it too difficult to move forward, the surrogate abruptly exited their agreement to attempt another transfer.
Feeling hopeless, Nancy and her husband decided to try more IVF attempts on Nancy while searching for another surrogate. Two further IVF transfers resulted in negative pregnancy tests while they were matched with their second surrogate, Ashley. While proceeding with legal and medical clearance for Ashley, Nancy tried one final IVF cycle. To her complete shock, it resulted in her first positive pregnancy test ever. Scared about losing the baby after so many struggles, and thrilled to have finally been matched with Ashley as their surrogate, Nancy and her husband decided to proceed with the surrogate pregnancy as well. Exactly five weeks after Nancy became pregnant, her surrogate Ashley became pregnant as well. Both babies were carried to 39 weeks and were born healthy and happy.
Today Nancy lives in Chicago with her husband and two precious daughters. Lilly is 11 months old, and Audrey is 10 months old. Nancy works in the investment management industry as an equity manager researcher when she isn’t at home doting on her miracle babies. Nancy also blogs under the name “Mrs. Starfish” on the pregnancy and parenting blog She has written extensively there about her infertility journey, her amazing surrogacy experience, and her current crazy and wonderful life with multiples! Read more from Nancy at Hellobee.
Ashley Brown Bio
Growing up a Navy brat, Ashley lived several different places; but she calls Washington home. It is there she met and married her husband, Josh. After marrying, they moved to Hawaii to continue their college educations. Ashley graduated from BYU-Hawaii with a Bachelors of Social Work. Just a few months before graduation, Josh and Ashley happily welcomed their first child. Upon completion of her internship and after much discussion they settled in Utah, where they had two more children. During the time after graduation and growing their family, Ashley went back and forth between being a stay-at-home Mom and a working Mom. Once she felt they were done having children of their own, Ashley turned to surrogacy with the support of her husband. Ashley currently works as a teaching assistant at a local elementary school.
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