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Positive Unplanned Cesarean Birth after Successful ECV

Sarah and her husband were thrilled to learn that she was pregnant on New Year’s Day after a few months of trying. After an initial appointment to confirm the pregnancy, she continued normal patterns of life but noticed intermittent spotting. While she knew this was possible early in pregnancy, it made her anxious and she was very aware of the bleeding every day. Around 7 weeks, there was one day of heavier bleeding that caused concern and led her to follow up with her doctor, fearing a possible miscarriage, but her hCG levels were still rising. At her first ultrasound a few days later, the tech identified a subchorionic hematoma. Thankfully the hematoma resolved around the end of her first trimester.

The rest of pregnancy was generally smooth outside of a bad stomach bug in the second trimester. However, around 35 weeks, after a day of not feeling as much movement, Sarah called into her doctor’s office with concern and was told to come in for an ultrasound. The imaging showed a healthy baby, but a breech one, which was a surprise. It was late in the game to be discovering this and Sarah was concerned that all of her planning for a vaginal birth would now be for nothing. She tried all of the more immediate options for trying to flip the baby – acupuncture and different poses from Spinning Babies – but at 37 weeks it hadn’t worked. She then decided to try an external cephalic version, determining that she would ultimately look back with regret if she didn’t do everything possible to try for a vaginal birth.

Sarah and her husband went into the hospital the morning of Aug 25 for the ECV when she was 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant. After a delay in the initial procedure, Sarah received an epidural and the doctors began. 10 minutes later they were successful in flipping the baby and two hours of monitoring contractions and the baby’s heart rate began. Sarah was thrilled to finally be able to make plans for the spontaneous labor and vaginal birth she had hoped for. Towards the very end of the two hours of monitoring, the care team noticed a concerning pattern of decelerations in the baby’s heart rate that did not align with contractions. Sarah and her husband waited patiently through some extra monitoring to see what would happen, but pretty soon after that discovery the doctor decided to proceed with a caesarean, fearing placental abruption. The caesarean experience ended up being wonderful – the team was kind, thoughtful to ask about preferences right before the procedure, and Sarah’s husband was able to be with her in the OR the entire time and announce that the baby was a girl when she was pulled out. From the time they were told that they would go into the procedure to the birth of Avery was almost exactly 30 minutes – a quick turnaround to prepare emotionally for the arrival of your child! Thankfully Avery was healthy and they were able to confirm the placental abruption in the OR, meaning that if they hadn’t caught the signs at the end of the monitoring period it could have been a much more traumatic and dangerous experience. Overall, Sarah was incredibly thankful for an unexpected and smooth caesarean experience!

Sarah May Bio

Sarah lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband Darrell, her daughter Avery, and their dog Cash, and currently cares for Avery full time. She loves a good cup of coffee, a long walk on Capitol Hill, and their church community there in D.C.


SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and usable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA. 

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition has been optimized by tailoring it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with the Genate Test by SNP Therapeutics. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

Hospital Induction with Difficult Hospital Staff and Peaceful Redemptive Homebirth Birth Story

homebirth after hospital birth

Shelby’s first birth was a hospital induction in April of 2020, during the COVID lockdown. She went into that labor and delivery completely unprepared and the hospital experience left her feeling unheard and misunderstood by hospital staff.  

She went into her next labor and delivery with more knowledge and preparation and had a redemptive homebirth, with labor support from her mom and husband. She gave birth under her own terms and left it feeling completely empowered.  

Shelby Grammer homebirth

Shelby Grammer Bio   

Shelby is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Sonographer who lives just outside of Portland, Maine with her husband and two kids. Connect with Shelby though Instagram @shelby.c.grammer.  


Redd Remedies

Today’s episode is sponsored by Redd Remedies. Redd Remedies has strong roots in the natural product industry and crafts Master Herbalist formulated supplements from premium ingredients, ensuring natural and effective solutions for life’s physical and emotional challenges. Peaceful Mama, one of their star products, provides stress support to all moms, including pregnant and nursing women!

To learn more about Peaceful Mama, Rhythm and Flo, and Redd Remedies and to view testimonials, head to and use code BIRTHHOUR at checkout to get 20% off any 2 or
more items.
 And be sure to head over th @thebirthhour on Instagram to enter a giveaway!

Positive Unmedicated In-Hospital Birth Center Birth with brief NICU Stay


Amy had a 24 hour labor that ended in a waterbirth at a birth center that was inside a hospital. 

Thanks to this podcast and the Birth Hour’s Know Your Options’s course and a local Bradley method class, Amy and her husband Daniel felt very prepared, but inevitably they had some hiccups along the way. 

From 2 weeks of prodromal labor, to 12 great hours of real labor at home to walking the hospital for three hours trying to get admitted to finally getting admitted but not being allowed the tub and having no birth center nurse, it was quite a journey! After 6 hours in the shower, Amy finally had help at shift change and was allowed in the tub. 

Within one hour of getting in the tub she was in transition and after 30 minutes of pushing, Amy brought baby Laura into the world!  Amy’s water never broke so Laura was almost born en caul! Unfortnately, meconium in the water lead to a short NICU stay. Though Amy wishes they had had a golden hour post birth, their experience was overall positive and they are enamored with their healthy baby girl! 


Amy Straiton Bio

Amy is a mom of 1 living in Dayton Ohio with her husband Daniel. She is a stay at home mom by day and by night she makes journals and paper crafts for her Etsy shop! 

You can find her on Facebook as Amy Straiton and send a private message or leave a comment here.


SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and usable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA. 

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition has been optimized by tailoring it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with the Genate Test by SNP Therapeutics. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

Medically Augmented First Birth for PROM and Fast Unmedicated Second Birth Story

sandra brown birth story

First Birth: PROM and marginal cord insertion: Sandra became pregnant at 33 yo in March 2020 . She was planning an unmedicated hospital birth. She sought doula support and took the KYO childbirth course. Her water broke spontaneously at 37w2d but she was in denial, so did not present to OB clinic until >30hrs later. She went to the hospital for labor augmentation. After hours of back labor, she got the epidural and later a small episiotomy. Otherwise things went smoothly and it was an overall very positive experience. Baby had severe IUGR from a marginal cord insertion, which was unexpected given reassuring growth ultrasounds. He was only 4lbs 14oz at 37w4d! He did not require the NICU but Sandra did triple feeding, which was rough. He did great and went from 0.5% at birth to 10-12%. He is now a thriving almost 3 year old.

Second birth: Fast unmedicated hospital birth: Sandra became pregnant again at 35 yo and was again planning an unmedicated hospital birth. She went to 39w2d with her daughter, who is now 8 months. She took the KYO course again and did a lot during pregnancy to be mindful of getting baby in a good position. Labor started spontaneously with mild contractions. Sandra quickly went from “I think I might be in labor” to “we really need to go to the hospital NOW!” There were a tense couple hours when she and her husband could not get anyone to come watch their toddler in the middle of the night. Phone support from their doula and a TENS unit got Sandra through while her husband literally ran around the neighborhood at 3am to find help. When they finally got to the hospital, Sandra was 9.5cm with a bulging bag and had her daughter within 20mins. Total time from first contraction to birth was 4.5hrs! Baby had lip/tongue ties but they were revised quickly and breastfeeding and postpartum were overall much easier.

Sandra Brown Bio

Sandra and her family live in the North Carolina Triangle area with their 3 year old son and 8 month old daughter. Sandra and her husband both work in mental health. Sandra is a two-time student of the Know Your Options childbirth course and a Patreon member. She considers her births very different but equally empowering experiences.



Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.

33 hour Magical Birth Center Birth, GBS+, First Time Mom

haley preyer birth story

Haley Peryer lives in Missouri with her partner, dog, and now 5 month old little girl. She enjoys rock climbing and exercise, yoga, art, and candlemaking. Today she wanted to share with you the birth of her little girl, Apoya. When Haley got pregnant she had been working in the Arizona heat and spending time in beautiful Costa Rica. Her partner, Eli, was only a little surprised by the pregnancy. It was not specifically planned but both of them knew it was possible based upon the previous cycle.

33 hour birth at birth center

From the start of her pregnancy she knew she wanted a very low intervention birth. However, a home birth was out of question since Haley and Eli live in a non-conventional living space: a 30 foot camper. This is why they turned to a birth center where their daughter was born after 33 hours of labor on July 4, 2023. Connect with her on instagram @trippyxturtlexfawn

birth center birth story


  • Birthing combs
  • Keeping facial muscles relaxed
  • Period panties for postpartum
  • The Birth Hour podcast
  • Instagram accounts related to birth

Cozy Earth

Today’s episode is sponsored by Cozy Earth. I first learned about Cozy Earth when their sheets were named one of Oprah’s favorite things in 2018 and I was having a baby in the Fall of 2018 and treated myself to the softest sheets I’ve ever slept on! I’ve been sleeping on Cozy Earth’s best-selling bamboo sheet sets (and their pillow too) ever since. Cozy Earth sheets are temperature-regulating and incredibly soft which is so perfect for all of the life stages we talk about on The Birth Hour. Seriously, if you are a hot sleeper these are a game changer and worth the investment! They’d also make a great baby registry item. Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for our listener’s today. Up to 40% off site wide when you use the code “BIRTHHOUR”

Cesarean Birth Due to Baby Presenting Breech in Labor then Empowering VBAC Birth Story

vbac birth story

Vanessa’s first pregnancy occurred in 2020 during the peak of COVID. She experienced neuromuscular symptoms very early on that lasted up until birth with no diagnosis. She had prodromal labor for a week before going into active labor at 39 and 1. She showed up to the hospital 6-7 cm dilated and with an unexpected breech baby. Her first daughter was delivered soon after by csec. Postpartum, she struggled with healing, having an oversupply, and a colicky baby with a soy/milk protein allergy and bottle refusal.

She got pregnant again in 2022. Her neuromuscular symptoms returned, but overall, she found her second pregnancy to be much less anxiety-ridden (probably thanks to her active 2-year-old and all of those Know Your Options Zoom calls). She experienced 3 weeks of prodromal labor before finally going into active labor and having a redemptive VBAC on her due date. She is currently 4 months postpartum and figuring out the new “normal” with two kids and working full-time.

breech baby during labor

Vanessa Thorn Bio

Vanessa is 30 years old and lives in North Central West Virginia with her husband and two daughters. She has a degree in chemical engineering from West Virginia University and has worked for a local polymer manufacturing company for the past six years. She enjoys eating out at locally-owned restaurants, mom talk, and playing video games. She can be found on Instagram at @lochnessv. 


Motif Medical

This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered through insurance at

Changing Mindset from Painful to Pain-free Birthing and Impact of Yoga on Pregnancy/Birth

Mae Yoshikawa homebirth

Although Mae was super fit, young, and healthy, having maintained a rigorous practice of daily Ashtanga yoga for over seven years prior to her first pregnancy, like any woman, she found herself facing many unknowns. For her first birth, she opted to birth at a small birthing center outside of Fukuoka, in the southwestern region of Japan, where she lived at the time. This was because she wanted to choose “the hand that would touch her baby’s head first.” She was able to have a natural, unmedicated birth with her then-husband, but the experience had her screaming at the top of her lungs in PAIN and left her feeling torn apart–mentally, emotionally, and physically–for weeks afterward. The sense of disconnect left an inkling of a thought in her mind that said: “If I ever get another go at this, I think I can do this a lot better next time.”

Mae went through a difficult divorce from her first husband only six months following this birth, leaving her to be a single parent to her firstborn son. In her mid-thirties, Mae met and remarried a wonderful man. They came together as a family and decided that they wanted another child.

Mae Yoshikawa yoga pregnancy

Eight years after her first birthing experience, thanks largely to the keen intuition of her husband, for the second birth, Mae switched from a clinic birth plan to a home birth at 28 weeks. In preparation for home birth, Mae spent a considerable amount of time intentionally repainting the landscape of her mind, from viewing birth as a painful process to a possibly pain-free one. Her teachers were: yoga, meditation, guided relaxation practices, and a whole bunch of wild animals on YouTube that she watched and learned from.

In the end, Mae was able to have an all-natural and almost all pain-free birth in the bathtub at home in Tokyo, assisted by her midwife and husband. Why “almost”? Wait ’til you hear her full story!

Five months after the birth of her second son, Mae lost the love of her life and the father of her children to a sudden traffic accident. The tremendous grief plunged her into the depths of sorrow and isolation for a few years. However, Mae says, “Everything she needs to know about coping with Pain in Life, she learned from childbirth,” referring not only to her wisdom from all of her years as a yoga practitioner, but ultimately from the redemptive birth experience that taught her this: If you can change your mind, you can change your experience.

Mae Yoshikawa Bio

Mae is an author, yoga & meditation practitioner, teacher, and mother. In 2006, Mae became the first Japanese woman to be authorized by the founding school of Ashtanga Yoga in India. Having graced 42 consecutive covers and penning a widely popular column for Japanese Yogini magazine from 2003~2013, Mae helped to spearhead a cultural shift in Japan—making sure that yoga would not be seen merely as physical exercise, but rather as a holistic practice and lifestyle that would restore health and balance to the busy lives of modern people. Currently, she is known as the face of adidas yoga. Her third book (her first in English) is a heart-wrenching and heart-arousing memoir titled Kizuki, which chronicles her experience of finding herself again through grief by metaphorically weaving through her experiences of childbirth and childrearing (coming soon).

Connect with Mae at or on Instagram @maeyoshikawa.

Mae Yoshikawa birth story




Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.

Four Birth Stories and a Secondary Fertility Rollercoaster

birth after secondary infertility

Jada had fairly uneventful births with her first two sons aside from suffering from hyperemesis for the entirety of those pregnancies. She then had a surprise third pregnancy which ended in a missed miscarriage. Shortly after, she had another surprise pregnancy which resulted in her third son. Jada and her husband thought they were done having kids, but soon realized that their family didn’t feel quite complete. 

The path to four children was not easy. Despite becoming pregnant fairly easily, Jada suffered 3 miscarriages in a row. After going through a bout of secondary infertility, they finally became pregnant with their fourth boy. At this point, she was considered advanced maternal age and was later diagnosed with gestational diabetes for the first time, all of which required additional monitoring. She eventually gave birth to a 9lb, 3 oz boy to complete their family.

jada walker birth story

Jada Walker Bio

Jada Walker is a wife to Brandon, and mom to 4 boys aged 15, 6, 4 and 5 months. She is an attorney in the greater Seattle area. Her instagram handle is JaLeCa.


Redd Remedies

Today’s episode is sponsored by Redd Remedies. Redd Remedies has strong roots in the natural product industry and crafts Master Herbalist formulated supplements from premium ingredients, ensuring natural and effective solutions for life’s physical and emotional challenges. Peaceful Mama, one of their star products, provides stress support to all moms, including pregnant and nursing women!

To learn more about Peaceful Mama, Rhythm and Flo, and Redd Remedies and to view testimonials, head to and use code BIRTHHOUR at checkout to get 20% off any 2 or
more items.
 And be sure to head over th @thebirthhour on Instagram to enter a giveaway!

Bryn & Richard Share 1st Homebirth Story

adelaide birth

A Homebirth Birth Story

For those that haven’t heard our first baby’s birth story yet, I hope you enjoy this episode that I recorded with my husband Richard. This was recorded in 2015 so the sound quality isn’t up to our current standards! You can listen to my second birth here and my third birth here.

Resource Links

The Business of Being Born
Birthing Ball
Birthing Tub
Milkies Milk Saver
Black and Blue Cohosh

Cozy Earth

Today’s episode is sponsored by Cozy Earth. I first learned about Cozy Earth when their sheets were named one of Oprah’s favorite things in 2018 and I was having a baby in the Fall of 2018 and treated myself to the softest sheets I’ve ever slept on! I’ve been sleeping on Cozy Earth’s best-selling bamboo sheet sets (and their pillow too) ever since. Cozy Earth sheets are temperature-regulating and incredibly soft which is so perfect for all of the life stages we talk about on The Birth Hour. Seriously, if you are a hot sleeper these are a game changer and worth the investment! They’d also make a great baby registry item. Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for our listener’s today. Up to 40% off site wide when you use the code “BIRTHHOUR”

cozy earth

Planned Homebirth after Two Unmedicated Hospital Births and Multiple Early Miscarriages

homebirth birth tub

Kelly’s first pregnancy in 2017 sadly ended in a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. Her second pregnancy almost 8 months later was also a missed miscarriage, ending in a blighted ovum at 7 weeks in early 2018. After a round of genetic testing that came back completely normal, her OB determined the back to back miscarriages to be a fluke, and 6 weeks later she became pregnant with their first daughter. At 26 weeks pregnant, Kelly was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, but through diet and exercise was able to stay low risk and to have the unmedicated hospital delivery she’d hoped for following a membrane sweep at 39 weeks.

kelly martin birth story

Her second baby was also born at 39 weeks, 2 and a half years later at the same hospital during the height of covid restrictions and only 56 minutes after arriving at her hospital room. For her third pregnancy, she decided to switch to a home birth hybrid model of care where she saw both her home birth midwife team and a hospital based midwife practice during her pregnancy. Besides an ER visit to treat acute urinary retention at 15 weeks, she enjoyed a textbook pregnancy. And after weeks of prodromal labor and even a full false alarm, she welcomed their third daughter earth side by way of a dreamy water birth at almost 41 weeks pregnant, 2 years and 1 week exactly after their second baby was born. 

unmedicated hospital birth

Kelly Martin Bio

Kelly and her husband Chad live outside of Atlanta, GA with their 3 daughters Charlotte (almost 5), Claire (2 and a half), and Mabel (almost 7 months old). Kelly is a full time mom to their 3 girls and also works remotely as director of business operations for a boutique marketing agency in Atlanta. She also professionally plans Disney vacations for nearly 100 families each year. In her spare time, she loves baking cookies, singing, yoga and pilates, reading, and girls nights. She and her husband are huge Atlanta Braves fans and love going out for tacos. You can find her on instagram @martinmagicmaker and can message with her on facebook as well.


SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and usable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA. 

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition has been optimized by tailoring it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with the Genate Test by SNP Therapeutics. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

The Birth Hour’s Know Your Options Childbirth Online Course!

Comprehensive & Evidence-Based Childbirth Course from The Birth Hour

I’m so excited to announce The Birth Hour’s signature online childbirth course. Know Your Options is THE most comprehensive online childbirth course in existence! In this course, we will take you from the final weeks of pregnancy through postpartum and newborn care covering all of the evidence-based information for all types of birth, no matter what you are planning!

If you are worried about navigating today’s birth system have maybe had a bad birth experience where your power was taken away from you in the past, we want to help!

But, despite doing your research, you’re still feeling overwhelmed and unprepared and that’s OK. We have totally been there too. There is still time to prepare and we are confident that we can help you achieve an empowering birth. This is our expertise and passion!


  1. You didn’t have to choose between an unmedicated birth and a hospital birth.
  2. You’re informed in every single decision you and your partner make.
    You feel empowered to speak up when it comes to how you labor and birth your baby.

Because THAT is exactly what this course will do: It gives you options so you can choose where and how to give birth based on all of the most up-to-date evidence based information available coupled with learning to trust your instincts and make decisions based on what is right for YOU.

online childbirth class

What exactly do we cover? 12 Incredible Evidence-Based Modules + Bi-Weekly Zoom Calls

Module 1: Pre-Labor

  • Intro to decision-making & advocacy in birth.
  • What is evidence-based care, intro into increasing your odds of getting family centered care.
  • Last Weeks of Pregnancy.
  • Cervical exams: what they are, what they do/don’t tell us, when they are useful and when they are not.
  • How to tell the difference between labor and false alarms.

Module 2: Planned Cesarean

  • Gentle or Family Centered Cesarean. What is it?
  • Questions to ask your doctor to make sure you’re on the same page (includes free download).
  • Video of Gentle Cesarean.

Module 3: Early Labor

  • Overview of labor, divided into stages and phases. Normal variations of length of each stage.
  • Early Labor Coping Strategies.
  • Spontaneous labor: When to call your provider

Module 4: Induction

  • Why might your labor be induced?
  • How is labor induced?
  • What are some risks of induction, and how can you improve your odds of your induction ending in a vaginal birth?
  • Risks of induction/cascade of intervention.

Module 5: Active Labor
​​​​​​online childbirth course

  • How can you cope with active labor?
  • When should you leave for your birth location (or ask the midwife to come)?
  • What should you pack, whom should you invite to be there, and how will you make your wishes known in labor?
  • Typical interventions upon arrival at birth location.
  • ​​Coping strategies.

Module 6: Transition

  • How will you cope with the most intense phase of labor?
  • What pain medication options do you have?
  • Why might you need a cesarean during labor, and how can you reduce your risk of needing one?

Module 7: Pushing

  • How can you reduce your risk of tearing?
  • What breathing techniques and positioning are helpful in pushing?
  • What happens if your baby needs help getting out?
  • How can you best advocate for your preferences during labor?

Module 8: Baby’s First Day

  • What interventions might be offered to your baby in the first hours of life?
  • Immediate newborn procedures.
  • Hep B & Circumcision.
  • What is going on with the birthing person before and after the birth of the placenta?
  • How can you get off to the best start with nursing?

online childbirth education

Module 9: Postpartum Recovery

  • What are the signs that a parent may be experiencing mood & anxiety disorders?
  • What are the essentials to have on hand for recovery after birth?
    How can you plan ahead and make those first few weeks after birth easier on yourself?
  • Giving yourself time to heal and knowing when to call for help.

Module 10: Establishing Nursing

  • How to establish a robust milk supply.
  • Positioning and latching theory.
  • What tips and tricks can you try to make nursing as comfortable as possible?
  • What signs can you look for to know when things are going well or when you need to call for help?

Module 11: Bottle Feeding

  • What if nursing doesn’t work, or you don’t want to do it at all?
  • Choosing a formula and Safe formula preparation.
  • What is the best way to bottle feed?
  • How do you choose which bottles to use?
  • How and how much to feed.
  • What is paced bottle feeding?

Module 12: Newborn Care Basics

  • Why might your baby cry, and how can you calm them?
  • How do you decide where your baby will sleep?
  • How do you get your baby to sleep?!?
  • Newborn hygiene: diapering, bathing, dressing, nail trimming, snot sucking, etc.

PLUS Bigger-than-a-Bonus: Beyond the Latch: pumping, bottle feeding, going back to paid work + keeping your baby fed

pumped milk
Then, we’ve got you covered when you’re going back to work with an additional six module Beyond the Latch Course that you will get completely free as part of enrollment in the Know Your Options Childbirth Course!

This is an additional 6 Module Course designed to take the guesswork, worry, and stress out of maintaining your nursing relationship with your baby when you return to paid work.

We will help you:

  • Identify specific strategies for pumping, storing, thawing, and feeding human milk.
  • Troubleshoot ways to boost milk production.
  • Guide you in making plans with your employer, your baby’s caregiver, and your family.
  • Get organized with sample schedules and checklists.

Lifetime Access + MORE Bonuses!

Oh, and you get lifetime access to everything! I’ve actually already had a few mamas who are still in the trying to conceive phase sign up because they wanted to be sure to get in on the course while they can!

Course Workbook

You’ll also get a thirty page Course Planner and Note-Taking Guide that you can print out to keep you and your partner on track throughout the course. All of the key takeaways from each lesson are included with space to jot down any questions you have along the way and make note of any essential info you want to remember down the road!

Bonus Downloads

More than a dozen bonus downloads to help save you time along the way and get organized before going into labor—with everything from a hospital bag checklist to printouts for your fridge of who/when to call when in labor! After baby arrives, you’ll have even more invaluable bonuses as you prepare to soak up the 4th trimester with your new baby.

Go Here For All The Details and Sign Up Today!

*Close Captions are provided for each module

Two Unmedicated Hospital Births and Heart Arrhythmia Discovery During Pregnancy

heart arrhythmia pregnancy

Eve is sharing 2 quick and unmedicated hospital birth stories. Her first birth began with her water breaking and immediate rapid contractions. She labored in a tub and focused on birth affirmations. This birth was 5 hours from water break to delivery, and her daughter Ada was born. Her second birth was 18 months after the first and was very different, with a new care team due to finding her heart arrhythmia at 14 weeks. She switched from midwife to OB and MFM care and ultimately was induced due to hypertension. The induction was intimidating but resulted in another speedy unmedicated delivery of her son, Harvey

Eve Kath Bio

Eve is a 5th grade teacher turned stay at home mom. She lives in Bismarck, ND, with her husband Jamison, daughter Ada (21 months), and son Harvey (3 months). Eve enjoys playing piano, reading, traveling, and spending time with family. Eve can be contacted on Instagram at @eveekath, just send a message request.


Baby Tula

This episode is sponsored by Baby Tula. Baby Tula creates unique and expressive carriers that help parents keep doing what they love while connecting with their little ones. Baby carriers are so much more than a parenting tool! When you wear your baby, you support the emotional, social, and physical well-being of your baby as well as your own! With a variety of unique prints, small batch and handwoven fabrics, inclusive sizing, and carriers for older babies too, you can find a carrier that’s distinctly you! You can use the code BIRTHHOUR at and BabyTula.Co.UK.