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twin unmedicated hospital birth

Birth Center Birth & Unmedicated Hospital Twin Birth

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Birth Center Birth

When Lisa and her husband, Johnny found out they were expecting their first child, she knew she wanted to have an unmedicated birth in a birthing center. After a pretty uneventful pregnancy, she was overjoyed to have the labor of her dreams. Lisa was thrilled to catch their daughter and the new parents were happily sent home after a brief stay at the center.

Unmedicated Hospital Twin Birth

Just shy of a year later, Lisa and Johnny found out they were expecting again and they knew they’d have baby #2 at the birthing center. But, as fate would have it, Lisa became “high risk” when they learned that twins were in their future. Unable to deliver at a birthing center and living in a state were homebirths were illegal, Lisa had to face one of her biggest fears: giving birth in a hospital. The couple was faced with opposition from the medical staff and although there were some twists and turns along the way, she succeeded in having two more unmedicated births!

singleton vs twin pregnant belly

Lisa Jay Bio

Lisa lives in North Carolina with her husband, Johnny and their three littles: Jupiter, Zephyr and Capell. She works in finance at an eLearning company. Lisa is passionate about her family, birth, photography and travel. You can connect with her on Instagram @lisaluonoceanave.


Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
The Birth Hour
Twin labors on YouTube
Birthing Multiples Natural (closed Facebook Group)
Birth Affirmations


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