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Share Your Birth Story

Apply to share your birth story on The Birth Hour!


Support The Birth Hour

Become a member! You can also shop via our Amazon link (costs you nothing and helps out this show you love!)

Have The Birth Hour at Your Event

bryn huntpalmerBryn Huntpalmer, the founder of The Birth Hour, is available to speak at your event about topics regarding pregnancy, birth, postpartum and motherhood and podcasting. She can also set-up a sound booth to record mini birth stories and put together a compilation of all of the stories from your event. Email “thebirthhour at gmail dot com” for more information.

Podcast Coaching

Do you have a great idea for a show but can’t wrap your head around how to get started? I’m available for podcast coaching and would love to help you get started!

Email me thebirthhour at gmail dot com!