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50 Hour Labor and Unplanned Cesarean Birth
Jelisa thinks of her birth experience as being nothing like she had envisioned, and completely different from any birth story she’d listened to or watched online. After nearly 50 hours of labor, she felt as if she had to surrender to the process and do the one thing she REALLY didn’t want to do: have a c-section. Despite the many interventions and multiple breakdowns she had during labor, she describes it as a positive birth experience, which is what she ultimately wanted. By sharing her story, she wants other Moms to know that even if their birth looks NOTHING like they envisioned or dreamed of, it’s perfectly OKAY and you can STILL have a positive birth experience IF you allow yourself to feel whatever emotions you are feeling and find whatever ways you can to express gratitude around your birth. The practice of expressing Gratitude really helped Jelisa through what could have been a traumatic experience.
Jelisa Smith Bio
Jelisa Smith is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, a former certified personal trainer, and an NPC figure competitor. She is currently on a mission to coach as many Moms as possible to unapologetically pursue their dreams and goals by teaching them to cultivate deep self love through fitness. Jelisa feels like Moms usually do so much for everyone BUT themselves, and she wants to remind them that their happiness, fulfillment, and well being matter too. If Mama is taken care of, everyone and everything around her is as well! She currently resides right outside of Washington DC with her husband and their 5 month old baby girl, Savannah. You can connect with her on Instagram at @JelisaSmithCoaching and on YouTube.
Birth Resources
Baby Tracker App
Boost Your Breastmilk by Alicia Simpson (book)
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MommyRealness Private Instagram page
I connect with your story 100%. My birth story this past November is so much like yours. I had to come to terms with a C-section after planning a natural birth, having my water break (a day after my due date), and laboring for 40+ hours and only reaching 2.5 dilated. My OR team was also all female! Thanks for sharing your story.
I loved your story! What hospital in the DC area were you at? I also live outside DC, in Arlington.