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Girl Power Cesarean & Having Babies Close Together

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Cesarean for Footling Breech

After Carolyn found out she was pregnant again at three months postpartum, she and her husband decided to move the family from Washington, DC to Arnold, MD. Sticking with her OB in DC, the plan was to deliver Carolyn’s footling breech baby by scheduled c-section. Plans changed, when her water broke three weeks early. Rushing to get to DC, an hour away, with a breech baby, coupled with contractions both strong and fast, ultimately caused them to detour for an emergency c-section at a much closer hospital. Baby Ophelia was wasting no timeā€”her feet were already on their way out! The hospital staff of all women hustled to get her into surgery for a successful c-section, ending with a happy baby and a happy mom.

Carolyn Setash Bio

irish twins birth story

Carolyn Setash lives in Arnold, MD with her husband, two daughters Nelly (18 months) and Ophelia (7 months), and their dog Annie. Yes, you read that correctly, these babies are exactly 11.5 months apart. On hiatus from teaching elementary school, Carolyn is currently a stay at home mom. Life with “twins” is hard work, but it’s the kind of work that leaves her endlessly grateful and happy-tired. Carolyn and the girls spend their time reading, playing, dancing, and singing Itsy Bitsy Spider way more times than most would consider an acceptable amount. Whatever keeps the peace, right?

Aeroflow Breastpumps

This episode is sponsored by Aeroflow BreastpumpsAeroflow helps new and pregnant moms to qualify for breast pumps through their health insurance. They carry all of the major brands, including Medela, Spectra, Lansinoh, Evenflo, and more. Visit their website to get started today, and your dedicated breast pump specialist will take care of all of the paperwork for you, including getting a prescription from your doctor and filing the claim with your insurance. Go here to get started!

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