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Hospital, Birth Center & Homebirth Birth Stories

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Tristin’s first pregnancy was not planned, but it truly changed her heart forever. She had a good pregnancy and a hospital birth experience that made her rethink using the hospital setting if she had more children. Tristin speaks about breastfeeding struggles with her first pregnancy and was thankful it wasn’t as hard with her other kids.

During her second pregnancy, Tristin was in nursing school and graduated right before her due date. She chose to use a group of midwives, had a quick birth center water birth, and discusses the difference midwife care made for her.

homebirth with siblings

For her 3rd pregnancy, Tristin decided to plan for a home birth, found midwives she loved, and got her husband on board. Tristin had a tougher pregnancy this time around and struggled with varicose veins and a lot of pelvic pain.

Tristin thought her 3rd birth would be quick because her second labor lasted about 5 hours. This birth was quite long and her son was born en-caul after around 18 hours of labor.

You can connect with her on Instagram @tristintindallrnbsn

homebirth waterbirth

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
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Business of Being Born
Abs core pelvic floor program by Natalie Hodson and Monique Middlekauff

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