Abby’s first birth was a hospital birth. She was induced at 41 weeks. The labor was 30 hours total that included 2 rounds of Cervidil, hallucinations on Stadol, an epidural that she begged for and finally an episiotomy. When the nurse put her hands in Abby and caused the most extreme pain of her life, Abby was not told that she was sweeping her membranes. When the epidural kicked in Abby lay on the bed shaking. The doctor told her she was shaking because “you went too long without an epidural.” When hard labor came, nurses shouted at Abby “you’re pushing wrong!” Abby was scared the entire time, Abby forgot that she was there to have a baby. Abby had visions of running into the street to get hit by a car. Abby tried to get up and had to be held down. The nurses put more Stadol into her IV without asking. Residents gathered in the room. The head doctor arrived when the others said they didn’t know what to do. I heard him say “episiotomy.” Snip, snip and things moved really fast from there. Jack popped out of her body and Abby remembered why she was there.

Abby’s second birth was a homebirth. People often ask Abby if she was afraid. Abby was not afraid to have a homebirth. She was scared to death to go back to the hospital. This time she surrounded herself with midwives, doulas and worked throughout her pregnancy with her doula to process her first birth. Her second son, Exley, was born 3 hours after labor set in and Abby soberly felt every minute of it. Abby’s midwives coached her on how to push and she was able to move Exley with each contraction. She was alert, focused and not afraid. She gave birth to him in a birthing pool in her living room. Jack was there too, kissing her face while she worked with her body to move his brother into the family.
Abby Theuring Bio
Abby was a social worker for 15 years before having her first son, Jack, and transitioning her advocacy to breastfeeding. Abby is co-host of the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram as The Badass Breastfeeder.
Connect:www.badassbreastfeedingpodcast.comThe Badass Breastfeeder on Facebook and IG
- Birthing From Within
- The Business of Being Born
- Kelly Mom
- Hire a doula!
Milkies by Fairhaven Health
This episode is sponsored by Milkies by Fairhaven Health. Milkies is a line of thoughtfully designed products for moms, by moms, to help support you in your breastfeeding journey. Products include breast milk collection and storage, like the award winning Milk-Saver, supplements, teas, nursing pads and much more! Milkies is generously offering 15% off all Milkies products with the code BirthHour15 at
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