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diastasis recti

Peaceful Birth Center Birth and Hospital Induction with Posterior Baby

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Homebirth & Surprise Unassisted Hospital Bathroom Birth

JJasmine’s first birth story was an amazing heartfelt home waterbirth —while her second birth left her in literal shock. Jasmine gave birth to her baby girl on the hospital bathroom floor, unassisted. Jasmine goes through her journey of many hardships in such a short amount of time — from having her delivery bag stolen while in labor and not having the hospital water-birth she had planned, to struggling through back pain, diastasis recti, and an umbilical hernia after giving birth to two children 14 months apart.

surprise bathroom hospital birth

Jasmine is a true believer in turning your adversity into art; using one’s experiences to help and heal others. Her desire is to share her story, encourage others to never give up, and to motivate us all to share our stories with hopes of creating a more compassionate world for her children to live in.

Jasmine Wilde Bio

Jasmine is the owner of Hey Baby Ultrasound Boutique in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s a lover of women’s empowerment and healing. Jasmine is a single mother with great hopes for coparenting, and she is the mother of two beautiful children; A & Z. She’s a superwoman in every sense — from operating a small business in Atlanta with two toddlers, dealing with the journey of having been a military wife, and healing after a major surgery from an injury she suffered from pregnancy — she’s unbreakable.d

irish twins

Grove Collaborative

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