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Long, Hard Labor Followed by Empowering Second Birth

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Two Very Different Hospital Birth Experiences

Kelly’s first birth was unexpectedly long and difficult. She planned to have a natural water birth, but the birth took a different path. Her experience made her very fearful of a second pregnancy and birth, but a short 19 months later she was back at the hospital in labor. The two births turned out to be very different and she was able to have an experience with her second birth that made her feel truly empowered.

kelly birth story slumberkins

Kelly Oriard Bio

Kelly is a Family Therapist and School Counselor who has made the jump to entrepreneurship with her best friend Callie Christensen as co-founders of Slumberkins. She grew up in the Pacific Northwest and has settled there with her husband and two children. She is passionate about promoting social emotional intelligence in the next generation through empowering parents and caregivers to connect with children. Connect with her on Instagram @Slumberkins or on Facebook.

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