After experiencing a miscarriage due to a partial molar pregnancy Meghan & Ryan knew they wanted to try again once they were given the ok by their doctor. Five months after experiencing the loss, Meghan was pregnant. Over the course of the pregnancy she prepared for an unmedicated birth but was open to going with the flow. After three sleepless nights filled with contractions, Meghan’s contractions finally picked up. After days of no sleep, labor stalling at 8-9 cms, a fever, and her body trying to push starting at 6 cm Meghan decided on getting an epidural for rest. A few hours after the epidural, Isla Rose was born into her dad’s hands.
Once Isla turned one, Meghan found out she was pregnant with baby #2. The pregnancy was smooth and the plan for an unmedicated birth was the same. This time Meghan’s water broke but labor was not picking up. Meghan was positive for group b strep this pregnancy and had to go to the hospital earlier than intended. Despite wanting no interventions and intravenous monitoring, Meghan ended up with pitocin and being hooked up to a monitor. Luckily, the hospital provided a wireless monitor so she could still move around working through contractions. After another long labor, Tatum Robert was born and Meghan had the epidural free birth she desired.
Meghan Hubbard Bio
Meghan lives in Seacoast New Hampshire with her husband Ryan and their two kids. Isla is 2.5 and Tatum will be one in March. Meghan teaches first grade but is also hoping to work with mothers in some capacity at some point soon. She can be found on instagram at: Meg.hubbard6.
- Local Kriya Birth Class
- Isla Grace Sleep – Instagram: islagracesleep
- Local Resource- baby led sleep & wellbeing specialist: Instagram: chelsea.macphail
- Local (and virtual) Resource – Beth Janelle, Prenatal and postpartum workout plans and personal training. Instagram: Beth.janelle
This episode is sponsored by Expectful – the #1 guided meditation & sleep app for your fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood journey. Just like you probably take a prenatal vitamin for your body, Expectful’s meditations are like a prenatal vitamin for your mind and can help you have a happier, healthier journey to parenthood. Whether you are TTC, pregnant, or postpartum, everything in the Expectful app was made just for this special moment in your life and created based on interviews with hopeful, expecting, and new parents just like you. Ready to reduce stress, improve sleep, and connect with your little one? Go to or download Expectful in the App Store to get started with a free trial today.
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