This Marielis’ first pregnancy/birth. She had a very normal/healthy pregnancy and has no history of mental illness. After planning a mostly unmedicated birth, she ended up having an unplanned c-section. Is he started off using nitrous oxide for some time but after 16 hours, was only dilated to 6cm. She was stuck at 9 cm for another 8 hours so they decided it was time for a c-section. After a week she started feeling a bit weird. At first she felt like she was fading in and out of her body. She’d feel normal for a few hours then felt like she wasn’t all there and during these times would feel extreme paranoia and manic episodes. She wasn’t able to sleep or eat and when she started to realize she wasn’t feeling herself her baby’s father started looking into getting her help and was able to find her a doctor who diagnosed her with postpartum psychosis (over zoom). She wasn’t able to care for her baby (when she looked at her she felt like she wasn’t really there/alive) It was an extremely scary time for her and everyone around her. She was checking into a mental health facility for 6 days and finally felt like herself again. Connect with her on Instagram at @hailmari__

- See a therapist
- You and your support people be aware of the signs
- Postpartum Support International Information and helpline
In an Emergency
Call the PSI emergency hotline 1-800-273-8255. Emergency Hotlines are available all the time. It is very important that you reach out right now and find the support and information you need to be safe. Call for yourself or someone you care about; available 24/7.
This episode is sponsored by Ergobaby. Founded in 2003, Ergobaby has pioneered the gold standard for comfortable, ergonomic soft structured carriers. Their commitment to providing parents with the foundation to thrive has launched the company into creating a broad range of award-winning products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably, and safely – where function and quality are not compromised. In 2020, they launched Everlove by Ergobaby, a first of its kind baby carrier buy back and resale program, a sustainability effort to support families and the planet. Check out Ergobaby’s Embrace in Soft Air Mesh and new Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer that we discussed on the podcast!
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