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Effective: February 2017

We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose information we collect. Generally, you control what information you provide us by how you choose to engage with The Birth Hour.


Website Users

We use Google Search Console and Google Analytics to help us improve The Birth Hour website. These services help us understand how Google crawls, analyses and indexes our website. But we do not collect personal information about you just because you use our website.


Podcast Listeners

We host The Birth Hour Podcast through Libsyn, which provides us a statistical breakdown about the show’s listenership. For example, we know how many times our shows are downloaded, how our listeners are spread geographically, and what technology they use to listen. So when you subscribe or listen to the podcast, this information is included in the statistics Libsyn provides us. None of these statistics include personally identifiable information about our listeners.

We may include podcast reviews we find particularly positive, helpful, or moving in our testimonials. In those cases, we collect a person’s review and username. If your testimonial is chosen for the website, we may ask that you provide a picture to help us feature your remarks.


Newsletter Subscribers

Subscribers provide us their email addresses. We also ask for, but do not require, your first and last name. The Birth Hour uses Mail Chimp for distributing our newsletter, and we may measure which newsletter emails are opened in order to track subscriber engagement. This helps us better accommodate your preferences.


Potential Podcast Guests

If you apply to be a guest on the podcast, we collect your:

  • Contact information (city location, email address, name, skype username, and cell phone)
  • Family information (number of children, which birth stories you intend to share)
  • Brief description of your birth(s)
  • Your age
  • Optionally, you may provide us with your ethnicity/origin/race information (to help us remain an open, inclusive, and safe space for all women)

The information is for internal use only. We use all of this information to ensure The Birth Hour represents a broad range of birth experiences.


Podcast Guests

Podcast guests provide The Birth Hour with their birth stories, social media contacts, and pictures. We use this information to create podcast episodes, show notes pages, and search categories. Occasionally, we may use clips from a guest’s birth story in order to create the show’s introductory jingle, or to create a thematic compilation of responses. In each case, we only use clips in a manner consistent with the voice and intention of the guest.

The Birth Hour may transcribe a podcast guest’s episode to create website content, or for a creative endeavor (like a book) consistent with this policy and the purpose of The Birth Hour to inform and empower. If The Birth Hour chooses to use a particular guest’s personal information for creative purposes apart from the podcast, we will seek that guest’s written permission.



Occasionally, we host sponsored giveaways. In order to coordinate these giveaways, we may collect contact information (name and email, street address if necessary). Giveaway entrants are usually required to provide their email address as a condition of entering. We may share this email address with the giveaway sponsor.


Other Uses

When you submit your information to The Birth Hour, that information is considered property of The Birth Hour to be used in a manner consistent with this policy. Some of your information may be aggregated with other data to measure website and listener engagement, and subscribership; but, we will not sell your personally identifiable information or use that information in a way inconsistent with this policy.

