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36 Week Preemie Birth Story

A 36 Week Preemie Birth Story

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

In this episode of The Birth Hour, Ashley Gartland shares her preemie birth story. She went into labor with her daughter, Kennedy, after her water broke a little before 36 weeks into her pregnancy, and she shares her experience giving birth and caring for a late term preemie.

Ashley Gartland Bio

Ashley Gartland is a life coach for moms who want to find their purpose beyond motherhood. Through her coaching program, Bold Mom, Balanced Life, and one-on-one work with clients, Ashley helps moms prioritize themselves, pursue their dreams and create balanced lives so they can be great moms and bold, inspiring women too. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and two little girls. You can connect with her on her web site at and on Instagram and Facebook.

Longest Shortest Time podcast (especially this episode on rewriting your birth story)

Baby Blues Connection (for information, support and resources for women and families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders. Serves primarily Oregon and Washington but has resources available on the web site as well)

More Than a Mom: 3 Steps to Find Your Purpose Beyond MotherhoodIn this free online class that Ashley created, mamas will learn how they can define themselves as more than a mom so they can continue being great moms AND pursue their purpose beyond motherhood now.

You can also listen to a 34 week preemie birth story episode of The Birth Hour.

“I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” Birth Story

A Pregnancy Story that Starts At 33 Weeks Pregnant

Today’s birth story guest is Phoua Moua who didn’t know she was pregnant until she was 33 weeks along. She and her husband have been married for 8 years and had been trying to conceive for 5 years. Phoua had put getting pregnant towards the back of her mind and didn’t realize she was pregnant until she took a test after noticing a linea negra. She called her doctor and they asked her to come in and draw some blood. The day after she went in for blood work, they called and told her she was pregnant and was about 6 weeks pregnant. The doctor then scheduled the first ultrasound for when she was “9 weeks”. Even though she called the clinic back and told them she thought she was further than 6 weeks, they insisted she wait another 3 weeks to come in.

The day finally came and she and her husband went to her ultrasound on May 15, 2014 where they were told she was already 33 weeks! Her baby was due the end of June which was the very next month!!!

33 Week Preemie Arrives as Miracle Baby

The next morning she had contractions, which she thought were Braxton hicks. She called the nurse hotline and they insisted she go in to the hospital. She went in at 7:30am and was told she had a rupture. Around 12 noon she was dilated to 6cm and at 2:30pm she delivered what she refers to as her miracle baby, baby Jeremiah at 4 lbs 8oz 19 inches.

You absolutely have to hear Phoua tell this story in her own words!!

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

A Preemie Birth Story with Christa Terry

A 34 Week Preemie Birth Story with Christa Terry

Today’s episode features Christa Terry and the story of her daughter’s unexpected early arrival. Christa went into labor at 34 weeks and quickly realized that her daughter was coming that same day. Listen to her describe her experience with a preterm labor and the subsequent NICU stay in her own words.

Christa Terry is one of the founders of, an app that helps local moms meet, communications director of Graham’s Foundation, and mom to two small but incredibly loud humans. She blogs at Hello Mamas and I Know How Babby Is Formed when she’s not otherwise busy making working motherhood look easy. Christa recommends Graham’s Foundation as the number one global organization supporting parents of preemies.

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!