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Giving Birth in Paris France
Gaela delivered both of her babies in Paris, France. For her first birth, Gaela took HypnoBirthing, the Mongan Method classes, which got her incredibly excited to give birth. She labored at home and kept waiting for the pain to arrive and it never did. Her daughter was born 47 minutes after arriving at the maternity in a birth tub with hardly any water in it! Gaela became a HypnoBirthing instructor after her daughter’s birth. She gave birth to her son 23 months later in a birth center. She was able to deploy all of the techniques that she teaches in order to stay focused and have a peaceful birth. She was able to “breathe” her baby down and have him auto-latch during the sacred hour. She had two distinct yet wildly empowering childbirth experiences.
Gaela Bio
Gaela is a French, Mexican, American from San Diego, CA and currently residing in Philadelphia, PA. She lived in Paris, France for almost 10 years where she met her husband and had her two children. Gaela was so inspired by the birth of her first baby, she became a HypnoBirthing® Instructor, the Mongan Method. She empowers not only mothers but also fathers/birthing partners in their pivotal role in the experience by providing them with concrete tools to have an enjoyable childbirth experience and ultimately gets parents excited for the biggest collaboration they will share with their child—his/her arrival in the world! Social media: @1gaelita on instagram, Gaela Fernandez on facebook or at
Unicist homeopathy medicine
Magnesium supplement
HypnoBirthing, the Mongan Method
Osteopathic Medicine
Magical or Sacred Hour Postpartum
The Baby Catcher
Happy kids, Healthy Kids
March of Dimes
Today’s episode is sponsored by March of Dimes. March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. They support research, lead programs and provide education and advocacy so that every baby can have the best possible start. March of Dimes is partnering with the CDC to generate awareness among women of childbearing age, families, and health care providers about things they can do to help prevent birth defects. At the end of this episode I spoke to mom, rare disease warrior and March of Dimes Gretchen Carlson Advocacy Fellow, Sarah Wilkerson, about the 5 main tips from March of Dimes and the CDC to help you be a healthy mom and have a strong baby. You can also find out more at
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