Liz and her husband Eric live with their two kids, Emmeline and Holland, in Chicago. After a hospital birth with their first, they decided to seek midwifery care at a birth center for baby #2. Liz did a lot of birth prep, including practicing hypnobirthing techniques, but not many tools were used in her super speedy birth. After a little over two hours in labor and attempting to load the car to head to the birth center, Liz made the call that there wasn’t time to get there. She birthed Holland at home, with medics arriving on site about five minutes before he was born and their doula running into the room while baby was half out. After transport to a local hospital, Holland dealt with some respiratory issues that continued into a couple illnesses during the first two months of his life. Despite a few medical, emotional, and other challenges, Liz credits teamwork with her husband and an intentional community of other new moms for her positive postpartum experience this time around! Connect with Liz on Instagram @lizzyleigh17. Listen to her first birth story here.

- Local Chicago resources:
- Doula – Amber Knowles (, Instagram – @loreleiludoula)
- Birth Photographer – Erin O’Laughlin (, Instagram – Loughlin_birthandfamily)
- Birth Center of Chicago (
- Chicago New Moms Group (
- Fit4Mom (, other franchises all over US!)
- Podcasts
- The Birth Hour
- The hypnobirthing podcast
- Dr. Berlin’s Informed Pregnancy Podcast
- Favorite parenting podcasts:
- After Bedtime with ladies from Big Little Feelings
- Good Inside w/ Dr. Becky
- Positive Birth Company for hypnobirthing
- Hypnobirthing Book – Practical ways to make your birth better
- Freya App – contraction timer, meditations, breath counts, etc.
SNP Therapeutics
Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.
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