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hospital birth story

Unmedicated Hospital birth, Healing After Loss & Rainbow Baby Birth Story

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Unmedicated Birth at the Hospital, Healing After Loss & Chaotic Rainbow Baby Birth Story

Kasey’s first pregnancy and labor was slow and steady. After almost 3 days of labor, her first son was born vaginally and unmedicated in a hospital. Eleven months later, at 21 weeks in her second pregnancy, she experienced a loss of a daughter through fetal demise, induction, and delivery. After a journey of grief for her unborn, and for another pregnancy loss in her family, she found strength in herself and her body again. A year later, to the date, she and her husband found out they were expecting another baby. Through a few rough patches in her pregnancy, Kasey planned for a healing birth center birth made it to 39 weeks and 4 days when she went into labor. When that day came, it was nothing short of chaotic. She delivered her baby at an ultrasound appointment with a doctor she never knew, nurses who had never attended birth, and a few teams of paramedics. After a transfer to the hospital for postpartum care and a short stay in the NICU, she was able to escape the chaos, take her rainbow baby home and begin as a family of 4.

Kasey McComas Bio

Kasey McComas is a mother to Elijah (3) and Ezra (7 months). She is also a labor doula working towards certification. She and her husband have been together for 10 years and married for 6. In those past six years, they have resided in North Carolina, Arizona, California, and back to North Carolina. Her passion is birth and informing and supporting women through their options in the journey to and through parenthood. Her message is to always take hard times and find strength in your personal journey. When you can own what you do with conviction, nothing can bring you down.


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Aeroflow Breastpumps

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