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Three Vaginal Breech Births – Hospital, Birth Center & Homebirth

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Breech Hospital Birth

It was Jessica’s first breech birth. Vaginal breech had just been legalized in her part of Canada again, after over a decade of being illegal.  And Jessica’s nurses were not prepared! Thankfully, her doctor was confident and trained. Jessica ended up having a very fast birth.

Breech Birth Center Birth

For this birth, Jessica and her husband lived in the southern United States, in a place where if you have a breech at the hospital, a c-section was inevitable. So, in case this baby was breech, Jessica hired a midwife who was experienced delivering breech babies and chose to birth at a birth center instead of the hospital. Again, Jessica had a very fast birth.

Breech at Home Birth

For her third breech birth, Jessica hired the same midwife, but chose to deliver at home where she wouldn’t have to pack up the baby in a carseat right away and drive anywhere! This birth was only 3 hours, but Jessica hadn’t prepared her body or mind for the birth, and more people were present than she would normally choose; so, the experience was different than her previous two births. In this one, the pain took her by surprise. It was Jessica’s most painful birth experience by far. It showed her that her previous birth preparations were VERY important. Still, everything went very well and baby was healthy and born fast.

breech homebirth pictures

Jessica Gray Bio

Jessica is a mother of 4 dynamite children. She currently lives in North Carolina. She birthed her children in two different countries, two in a hospital, one in a birth center and one at home. She is in love with writing, the beach, spending time with her kids, and being the general of her household tribe. But her biggest passion is empowering other moms that vaginal breech birth is possible. She speaks to and teaches women about breech being just a variation of normal. Currently, she is writing a book about Frank Breech birth. She is the face behind the Instagram account @breechbirth. You can also find her on her personal Instagram @thegeneralofthetribe and learn more at!

Photo credit: Lora Denton Photography 

2 Replies to “Three Vaginal Breech Births – Hospital, Birth Center & Homebirth”

  1. Best birth story I’ve heard! So empowering–it’s amazing what a women who believes in herself and abilities can do. I am amazed at how ridiculous some people act (the hospital birth team) when they are involved in something they aren’t used to, even though there is really nothing to dangerous about it!) I myself had a planned breech birth at home and I absolutely love everything this confident momma says about how a birth goes according to how a momma feels about her own abilities! Love you strong moms!

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