Danielle’s pregnancy was marked by a surprise diagnosis of Cervical insufficiency at 20 weeks during her anatomy scan where they found she was beginning to dilate. The MFM providers gave her a 30-60% chance of delivering preterm, anytime between 20 and 34 weeks and explained it was likely due to her hypermobility disorder (EDS). She was placed on “modified bedrest” and vaginal progesterone.
The days slowly turned to weeks as she tried to emotionally prepare for a potential pre-viable/preterm birth, during which she found support groups, birth stories and a caring doula to help deal with isolation and uncertainty. Miraculously she made it to term and spent the last several weeks of pregnancy in a joyful state of gratitude and relief. Due to the risk of precipitous labor Danielle had been preparing for an unmedicated birth and went into hard and fast spontaneous labor at 40+2.
The hospital drive was a blur and the delivery room was extremely quiet and peaceful as her doula helped her cope with intense labor using multiple position changes. She experienced a strong fetal ejection reflex but after 2+ hours of pushing, the on-call midwife seemed fearful and used some aggressive “tough-love” coaching to alert her to the possibility of shoulder dystocia. An OB was called in for backup and Danielle safely delivered a baby boy about 40 minutes later after being placed in McRoberts position.
The moments following birth were marked by relief and adrenaline but left her feeling powerful. She was in awe of her healthy 8lb 9oz baby and her birthing body. She seemed to experience a quick recovery in the initial weeks but began to notice onset of prolapse symptoms a few weeks postpartum. Her prolapse hasn’t resolved but she has been able to manage symptoms with pelvic PT, and a pessary.
Danielle Mossberg Bio
Danielle lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Daniel and their 2 year old son. At the time of recording they are planning a homebirth to welcome baby #2. She enjoys delicious food, native gardening and nerding about all things birth. Absorbing birth stories was a lifeline for her during a difficult pregnancy and she is honored to be among those who have shared their birth stories on The Birth Hour. Connect with her via email daniellemossberg@gmail.com
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