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Fast, Peaceful Homebirth Birth Story After Loss

waterbirth birth story

Katie returns to the Birth Hour for a second time to share the birth story of her third daughter. At exactly 40 weeks pregnant, Katie went into labor and gave birth at home with the same midwife and doula team that supported her previous birth. After an emotionally difficult pregnancy, this birth was fast, calm, and healing — everything she had hoped for, and more!

Katie lives in the New York City Metro Area with her husband and three children. Along with her career in transportation planning, she is incredibly passionate about birth and supporting new moms and birthing people as result of her experiences with birth and pregnancy loss. Feel free to connect with Katie via Instagram @kmagz.


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Unmedicated, En Caul Hospital Birth and Coping with Two Family Cancer Diagnoses during Pregnancy and Postpartum

en caul birth in hospital

Molly and her husband always wanted children, so after a year of traveling they settled back down in Austin and prepared for their next stage of parenthood. Molly was blessed with a physically healthy pregnancy, and, as a hobby marathon runner, treated pregnancy like a training cycle with a physiological birth being the end goal. Molly was fortunate to find a doula who was passionate and knowledgeable about physiological births and mentally prepared Molly for the big day. To physically prepare, Molly stayed active by running until 36 weeks, strength training, and consistently attending pelvic floor PT. When Molly was 8 months pregnant, their world was rocked when both her mother and mother-in-law received cancer diagnoses within weeks of each other. The remainder of her pregnancy and postpartum were filled with emotional ups and downs as their families navigated the new normal of hospitalizations and medical treatments. Molly gave birth to a healthy baby boy three days after her due date via a peaceful unmedicated hospital birth. She used coping strategies to labor at home for 9 hours and arrived at the hospital 10cm dilated. She pushed for four hours (about the same time it takes her to run a marathon) with her doula and husband as her support crew. Baby Tyler was born en caul which is rare and meant to bring good luck. Molly and Wes practice gratitude everyday for a healthy baby, smooth recovery for Molly, and an abundance of family time as they bond with Tyler who has been a huge source of joy for both families during this time.

Molly Wheeler Bio

Molly lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, Wes, and 5 week old son, Tyler. She is a pediatric speech-language pathologist and hobby runner. She and her husband are passionate about traveling, cooking, spending time outdoors, and now raising their newborn son. Instagram handle: @willrunforqueso


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American Giving Birth in France PROM and Unmedicated Birth Story at Hospital with Midwives

american giving birth in france

Rachel moved to France when she was six months pregnant and had to quickly learn to navigate a new healthcare system in a new language to get ready to welcome her first child. Her water broke prematurely at 36 weeks and she spent about 10 days in a French public hospital waiting to go into labor. At 37 weeks, Rachel had a challenging 24-hour unmedicated labor, but ultimately welcomed a healthy, sweet little baby boy. 

Two and a half years later, Rachel gave birth to her daughter through a natural birthing program at a different hospital in France, with an amazing team of midwives. Active labor was just three hours start-to-finish, and many parts of the experience felt redemptive and healing after a difficult experience with her first labor and delivery. 

Rachel Truman Bio

Originally from Minnesota, Rachel Truman lives in Marseille, France, with her husband, son (age 6), and daughter (age 3). She is also expecting baby #3 this year. 


  • Birth Stories from The Birth Hour
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Three Birth Stories: Hospital, Birth Center, and Homebirth

waterbirth birth story

Josie birthed three girls. Her birth journey began with unexplained infertility. During the season of infertility, the Clark family still managed to grow through fostering a son.  The OB Josie worked with discovered an intrauterine polyp. She performed a polypectomy, followed by a successful IUI.  Despite some red flags in the relationship with the OB, Josie continued to work with her through the hospital birth of her first daughter. Through the difficulties of that birth,  Josie learned more about her preferences and what provider would support her for any future births. Josie found her voice and planned her second birth with a black midwife at a birth center. This second birthing experience increased her knowledge and confidence, and she felt ready to transition to a home setting for her third birth. Josie’s birth journey led her to discover that her most desired birth setting is the home. The shorter labor and birth, the empowerment through experience, the relaxing home setting and a supportive birth team, Josie couldn’t have planned it any better.

Josie Clark Bio

Josie is a self-proclaimed birth nerd from the Bay Area of California.  She lives in the city of Richmond with her husband of 13 years, David, three daughters aged 7, 5, and 3, known as the J-Crew, and their 9-year-old Goldendoodle, Montana. Josie’s journey to growing her family includes a battle with infertility, becoming a foster mom, and then the experiences of birthing her daughters.  First in a hospital, second at a birthing center, and finally at home.  Each experience was better than the last, which she credits to the knowledge she gained from each birth. She now uses her love of birth to help women have their own positive birth experiences as a birth doula. Reach out to her on Instagram: @joclocs77  or via Email:

joanna clark birth story


Natural Childbirth: The Bradley Way – Susan McCutcheon

Motif Medical

This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered through insurance at