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birth after birth injury and prolapse

Healing 2nd Birth Story after Birth Injury and Prolapse and Midwife Attending as Doula for Hospital Birth

After an anxious pregnancy due to a prior birth injury and challenging first labor, Carolyn had a beautiful and gentle second birth at 40+5 days. Her water started leaking at 40+2, and after three days of patience and gentle induction techniques, active labor moved quickly and she happily surprised herself by birthing unmedicated in an extremely supportive hospital setting.

Due to her prior experiences, Carolyn did a lot of emotional, mental, and physical preparation ahead of this birth. Additionally, she did co-care between a homebirth midwife practice and a team of hospital midwives, with her homebirth midwife attending her birth in a doula capacity, and this turned out to be a perfect integration of care for her. She was also pleasantly surprised with a much easier recovery and postpartum period this time around!

Carolyn Schulte Bio

Carolyn lives in Portland, OR with her partner and two young kids. She is a Marriage and Family Therapist and enjoys time with friends, running, word games, colorful jewelry, delicious meals, and spending time outside. You can connect with her on Instagram at @carolyn__hart.



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