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Dr. Jessica Zucker Shares her Miscarriage and Rainbow Baby Birth Stories

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A Story of Loss and Strength

Jessica shares the story of her miscarriage at home, and her experience coming to terms with that unexpected loss of a child. She also shares her subsequent pregnancy and birth stories including the anxiety that often accompanies a pregnancy after loss, as well as the indescribable joy that came with welcoming her rainbow baby.

dr jessica zucker

Dr. Jessica Zucker Bio

Jessica Zucker, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist based in Los Angeles. She specializes in women’s reproductive and maternal mental health. Dr. Zucker is the creator of the #IHadAMiscarriage campaign, and a line of pregnancy loss cards. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, BuzzFeed, anthologies, and elsewhere. Jessica has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, and NPR. Connect with Jessica on her website where she sells cards to send to women who have suffered a loss as well as her new rainbow mama and babe tees.  Instagram: @ihadamiscarriage.

Rainbow Mama and Babe Tees

ihadamiscarriage rainbow baby
photo by Vaughn Danny

“Rainbow babies” are babies born after loss. Approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies result in loss and therefore there are lots of rainbow babies out there. I recently found out that I myself am a rainbow baby—my mom had a miscarriage between my older brother’s birth and me.

With the rainbow tees, Dr. Jessica Zucker aims to break the silence and shatter taboos around this very poignant and ubiquitous experience, honor our losses, and connect women who have experienced loss.

Buy a Rainbow Tee

rainbow mama and baby tees
These tees work against the shame and guilt that often surround loss and instead show a sense of pride for our histories/journeys and allow women to say “I had a miscarriage/pregnancy loss(es) and I stand with and support all the other women who have been there or are currently going through this.” All proceeds from the sale of these tees are being generously donated to The Birth Hour as we work together to destigmatize pregnancy and infant loss.

I Had a Miscarriage from Jaki Covington on VimeoVideo by Jaki Covington

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  1. Pingback:“To grieve openly, honestly, and totally raw” – A Feminist Perspective on Miscarriage

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