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Back to Back Unmedicated Births in a Birth Center

India shares some highlights from her births below… listen to the full episode (771) in your favorite podcast app to hear the full story!

India’s first daughter:
2 weeks before my due date
I went through 3 days of prodromal labor. Hardly any rest because the contractions were waking me up. Beyond exhausted.
Progressing but very slow (Arrived at the birth center at 5/6AM ish and she arrived at 6:33PM)
She slightly turned when I got to the birthing center but we got her to turn back
All back labor
We went home within 8 hours

India’s second daughter:
2 weeks before my due date
Complete opposite from my 1st birth
I was sleeping and it felt like I peed the bed. I thought I was dreaming
I went to get up to go to the bathroom and water is just gushing
I literally thought I was going to have her in the car. My birth center is 45 minutes away.
All back labor
Quick and hard
Arrived at the birth center at 10PM/11PM and she came at 3:51AM

India Brown Bio

India is a sought-after Video Marketing Strategist known for her ability to help coaches, entrepreneurs, and SME’s leverage the power of video to grow their businesses.

She’s a millennial toddler girl mom living in the Greater Philadelphia area with her husband.
Contact her via E-mail:, her Website, or on Instagram

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