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Birth Center Birth, 2nd Pregnancy Birth Fears with Positive Unplanned Epidural

In 2019, Jacoby planned for an unmedicated birth at her hospital’s birthing center led by midwives. After an uneventful and positive pregnancy, Jacoby’s labor started the day after her due date with her water breaking at home. Noticing the contractions were coming quickly, she headed to the birthing center and arrived right before she entered transition. Through her labor, she labored in the shower on a birthing ball, in the center’s queen size bed, toilet, and in the tub. After noticing he was on the larger size during the pushing stage, the midwives maneuvered his shoulders and had Jacoby push as hard as she could. Despite her son being LGA (large for gestational age) at almost 10 pounds, she had an uncomplicated recovery without any tearing. Her labor was 7 hours total. What followed was a very positive postpartum experience.

unplanned epidural
Photos by Ali Brassel Photography

Preparing for her second birth, Jacoby experienced unexpected anxiety preparing for another unmedicated birth. Despite her positive birth with her son, she started considering the option of an epidural and became curious about its appeal. She decided to proceed with planning for another unmedicated birth at the same birth center since her first birth was so quick. At 39 weeks, Jacoby went into labor at home. On the way to the birthing center, she decided at the last minute to get an epidural. She delivered her daughter with an epidural and had a very positive, uncomplicated experience still accompanied by a midwife. Her second labor was 8 hours, and she had another very easy postpartum experience.

Jacoby Andrick Bio

Jacoby is based in St. Louis, Missouri where she lives with her husband, 2 year-old son, and newborn daughter. She owns a business as a wedding and newborn photographer. You can find Jacoby on Instagram @jacobyandrickphoto.


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