Kayla is a mom to 2 beautiful children and Wife to an amazing partner, Josh. Kayla has been a fan of The Birth Hour for over 5 years and is grateful for the opportunity to share her birth story. Her first birth was not how she had planned or hoped and with her second child she knew things would be different and set out to plan a homebirth. Both of her births impacted her in ways that have changed her outlook on birth and life. Connect with her on IG @conquer.birth.doula
- The Birth Hour
- Doing it at Home podcast
- Birthing Outside the Box
- Babies are not Pizzas by Rebecca Dekker
- The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
- Real Food for Pregnancy
- The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
- @Badassmotherbirther
- Baby Care Advice – infant feeding specialist
- Local birth circle with doulas

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