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Double Whammy Twin Birth Story

To listen to this episode, and more than 300 other birth stories in The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

After a bout with infertility and IVF, Julie was thrilled and terrified to be pregnant with twins! But after an uneventful pregnancy, and making it to 38 weeks, Julie experienced the thing all twin moms dread: the “double whammy” birth.

Julie Burt Nichols

Julie is Twiniversity’s “Wizard Behind the Curtain,” serving as Editor-in-Chief of, Account Manager, and Instructor for Chicago Twiniversity classes. Julie is a full-time working mother to twin boys, born on Halloween. She loves serving as a resource and support for new parents, soon-to-be parents, and we-want-desperately-to-be parents. Julie is proud to be a certified child passenger safety technician, and the Twiniversity Resident Songstress/Jingle Writer.

twins birth story


Twin Classes
Parent-to-Parent Mentorship Program
What To Do When You’re Having Two

2 Replies to “Double Whammy Twin Birth Story”

  1. You’re so right, that we need to advocate for mommies understanding what’s going on in situations! It sounds like you’re doing the hard work of loving yourself, listening to your needs as you process the surprising parts of your birth. Healthy babies and moms are awesome, but birth stories are more than just that. Thanks for your courage in sharing yours!

  2. Julie, I loved listening to your story! I loved your honesty and your humor throughout sharing your story. It’s awesome you are in a position where you get to encourage expecting/new parents because your passion for loving and caring for labor/parenting came through in this podcast!

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