Anni’s first pregnancy was healthy and routine, and over the pregnancy she grew excited for labor and giving birth. Much to her disappointment, she ended up planning a c-section when she learned their daughter was breech at their 36-week appointment. Postpartum was consumed with learning how to breastfeed, and planning for a cross-country military move at 6 weeks postpartum, from North Carolina to Kansas. A year later she got pregnant again, after just having moved again, this time to Okinawa, Japan. That pregnancy ended at 19 weeks, after making the heart wrenching decision to terminate due to Trisomy 18. Despite the terminal diagnosis, the Hyde Amendment prevented doctors at the military hospital from performing a D&E, so she and her family flew to California to receive abortion care. Anni’s most recent pregnancy was smooth and joyful, despite some initial anxiety after the loss. A scheduled induction turned into a whirlwind spontaneous labor, ending in an unmedicated VBAC that was better than she ever hoped it would be. It was incredible to finally be able to experience the kind of labor and birth she had hoped for for so long.

Anni Denzel Bio
At the time of recording, Anni lives in Okinawa Japan with her husband (who serves in the Marine Corps), two small kids, and two dogs. In addition to parenting and holding down the fort at home with a spouse who is frequently away on duty, she is also a nonprofit fundraising consultant, and volunteers with the Military Birth Resource Network & Postpartum Coalition. Because of the unique ways that her military affiliation impacted her birth experiences, Anni was inspired to join the MBRNPC team as host of the podcast Military Birth Talk, which shares perinatal experiences from members of the military community. You can find Anni on Instagram @arldenzel or @militarybirthtalk.
- The Birth Hour Patreon Group
- Military Birth Resource Network & Postpartum Coalition
- Military Birth Talk Podcast
- Natural Hospital Birth by Cynthia Gabriel
- Nest Collaborative
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