It took almost a year of trying but once Kelsey was pregnant, her first pregnancy was textbook. In her second trimester she purchased the Know Your Options birth course (, and she and her husband were ready for the arrival of their daughter. At her 40w appointment, her biophysical profile determined low fluids and she was sent to be induced that day. After a cascade of interventions, Kelsey’s birth resulted in an emergency cesarean from fetal distress. Before leaving the hospital she was already asking her OB about her chances of a successful VBAC for baby number 2 when the time came.
When Kelsey and her husband felt ready to start trying for baby number 2, it led Kelsey to ask more questions about her conceiving journey the first time, and her lifelong issues with her period… this resulted in a PCOS diagnosis and she used one round of Clomid to conceive a couple months shy of her daughter’s second birthday. After a mid-pregnancy provider switch at 26w and a lot of mental and physical preparation, Kelsey was determined to have a VBAC. Thankfully, pregnancy number 2 was just as smooth and by 39w1d, her water broke on its own and labor began. With the help of reviewing the Know Your Options course again, her doula, her husband, and her very VBAC-supportive midwife, she was able to achieve her VBAC after 26 hours of labor and a failed epidural.

Kelsey Tuttle Bio
Kelsey is 30 years old and lives in the North Metro Atlanta area. She’s been married for 6.5 years to her husband Casey and they have two kids, Colbie 2.5 yrs and Avery 7weeks! Kelsey is a realtor and works from home with the kids and Casey works in Accounting. Connect with her @kelstut on Instagram.
- The Birth Hour podcast
- Know Your Options Online Course
- Evidence Based Birth
- VBAC Link podcast
Mountain Meadow Herbs
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