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Emergency Cesarean for Low Amniotic Fluid

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Emergency Cesarean after Low Amniotic Fluid

Today’s guest is Gayleen Peters who went in for a check-up around 37 weeks and realized she basically had no fluid left. She was told she’d need a cesarean that day but then had to wait several hours for the OR to open up. Her baby arrived safely but did have to spend some time in the NICU and she discusses that experience as well.

Gayleen Peters Bio

Gayleen is a stay at home Mama to a 2 year old boy named Linden, and she’s 39 weeks pregnant with her second son, and hoping for a VBAC this time around. She and her husband live in a small town in BC Canada, that’s about 6 hours away from Vancouver. Her husband works as a Registered Nurse, and when she was working she worked as a care aide.

One Reply to “Emergency Cesarean for Low Amniotic Fluid”

  1. Gayleen, thank you so much for sharing your story today. It was so similar to my own story… right even down to my mother having six children medication free. We also went through a cesarean after finding out our daughter Aysen was frank breech with low amniotic fluid at 38 weeks, and 2 failed ECVs. We were planning an unmedicated birth as well, and I remember feeling those emotions of inadequacy, fear, and detachment after the birth. Two and a half years later, I still battle with those emotions. It gives me great strength knowing that I’m not alone in my experience.

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