Hoping for an unmedicated hospital birth and wanting to prepare as much as possible, Madison hired a birth doula, her and her spouse read many books, listened to podcasts and anticipated a long first labour. To her surprise just 3 hours after her first contraction her rainbow baby was born having barely made it to the hospital on time. She also shares about her struggle with recurrent loss and then her postpartum experience as a first time mom struggling with low milk supply and the challenges that come with sleep deprivation.
Madison Enns Bio
Madison lives in Saskatchewan Canada with her husband Cody, their son Porter and dog, Molly. She works as a Human Resources Consultant in healthcare while her husband is an instructor at their local college in the Civil Engineering Technologies department. Madison is a self proclaimed birth junkie who enjoys spending her time camping in the summers, going for hikes, listening to podcasts and going on adventures with her family. Madison can be found on instragram @missmaddi9 (private account so send a DM) or in the Patron group, as Madison Enns.

- IGT and Low Milk Supply Support Group
- The Birth Hour Patrons
- Canadian Tongue Tie Support Group
Instagram Feeding Accounts:
- @Lowsupplymom
- @Theformulamom
Instagram Post Partum/Motherhood Accounts:
- @Happyasamother
- @Psychedmommy
- @Ourmamavillage
- It starts with the egg
- Mama naturals week by week guide to childbirth
- Taking Charge of your Fertility
- The birth partner
Simply Magnetic Me
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Reel Paper
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