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precipitous labor

Fast Unmedicated Hospital Birth & Low Platelets

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Precipitous Labor in Hospital Setting

Katie had a very fast, unmedicated (due to time and low-platelets) hospital birth with an OB. She had the support of her mother and her husband. Though she prepared for labor with classes at a birth center, there was never a chance to use the techniques in the three hours she labored.
 low platelets birth story

Katie Scheid Bio

Katie lives in the greater Seattle area with her husband Jean-Marie, 16 month old daughter Lara, and corgi, Finn. Though she has found her true passion as a stay-at-home mom she still works as a freelance illustrator at night and in the wee hours of the morning. Connect with her at

Dad Birth Story Series of The Birth Hour

Listen to the special Dad’s series of birth stories by joining our Patreon!


Birth classes

Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May

The One Bad Mother and their private Facebook group for support, particularly the (not officially affiliated) spin-off group: One Bad Boob

The one parenting book Katie read: Bringing Up Bebe

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