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Four Preemie Baby Birth Stories & NICU Stays

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Julie Martin Bio

Julie Martin is a wife and homeschooling mother of 4 precious babies. Her first baby was born ten years ago, very unexpectedly, at 30 weeks by c-section; and, he spent two months in the NICU. Despite trying all the natural remedies and labor stalling methods, each subsequent baby was also born prematurely (33,33, and 32 weeks) by c-section, and each spent a month in the NICU as well. Never imagining being a c-section or NICU mommy, Julie has a heart to encourage women who have had birth experiences that just don’t turn out like they anticipate.


Get help at the NICU with breastfeeding. Here’s a little audio clip of advice from Julie on how she did that!
Preemies – Second Edition: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies

Ruby Love Baby

The Ruby Love Baby Book is a modern twist on the classic baby memory book. Designed by a mom looking for something relevant and current, but also something timeless and precious that would be a handwritten heirloom that would grow with her child, the Ruby Love Baby Book will help you do just that and document your pregnancy through the first year of your baby’s life and beyond. With additional pages such as NICU pages, adoption pages, holiday pages and the Ruby Love School Years Book, you can be sure to remember all of the little things that you never want to forget. Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your purchase.

Ruby Love Baby is also on Etsy and the coupon code works there as well!

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