Sheena shares 4 vaginal deliveries spanning over 13 years. Each pregnancy and delivery were different.
Her first, at 22 years old. She experienced awful morning sickness and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. A 14 hour hospital induction with an epidural that failed during a long pushing phase. An episiotomy was needed during delivery and she began hemorrhaging. A blood transfusion was almost needed, but thankfully the bleeding stopped. She had no idea recovery would be so hard.
Sheena’s second pregnancy was her easiest. A breech baby who finally flipped at 37 weeks. A pain free, quick induction. She even got to pull her baby out and onto her chest. Unfortunately a fast delivery caused her prior episiotomy scar and tears to reopen.
Her third pregnancy was a surprise, 8 years after her second. Sheena had a lot of mixed emotions over this pregnancy and felt guilt at the beginning. Soon she began to get excited and was thrilled when she found an incredible OB. Her pregnancy was relatively easy and she went into labor after a membrane sweep at 39 weeks. A shoulder dystocia caused some panic, but was quickly resolved using the McRoberts maneuver.
Sheena’s last baby was conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic. A subchorianic hematoma and a marginal cord insertion, made for extra monitoring throughout her pregnancy. She also experience prodromal labor for the first time and it lasted for weeks. She was induced and the induction started out slowly, but ramped up at the end. She went from 6 cm to baby in her arms in 12 minutes.
Connect with Sheena on IG @sheenarapp.

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Baby Tula
This episode is sponsored by Baby Tula. Baby Tula creates unique and expressive carriers that help parents keep doing what they love while connecting with their little ones. Baby carriers are so much more than a parenting tool! When you wear your baby, you support the emotional, social, and physical well-being of your baby as well as your own! With a variety of unique prints, small batch and handwoven fabrics, inclusive sizing, and carriers for older babies too, you can find a carrier that’s distinctly you! You can use the code BIRTHHOUR at and BabyTula.Co.UK.
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