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giving birth in germany

Giving Birth in Germany

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Hospital Birth in Germany

Ana gave birth like a champ in a hospital in Germany after being assured that it was baby-friendly. That didn’t end up being her experience and although everything ended up ok, she shares how it felt to be treated in a way that wasn’t respectful of her wishes.

Ana Maria Guardia Bio

Ana is a graphic designer and a yoga teacher. She lives in Germany with her husband Ralph and 21 month old Anton. She’s originally from Panama, a country that made it to the World Cup for the first time this year. Connect with her on Twitter @anagrama, Facebook, Instagram and check out her writing on Elephant Journal.


One Bad Mother podcast for honest talk, laughs and judgment-free motivation. And their book: You’re Doing a Great Job!: 100 Ways You’re Winning at Parenting
La Leche League local groups and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding book.
The mantra: «Divine mother flows through me»

Earth Mama Organics

From the positive test to the big push, from the first latch to the thousandth diaper, Earth Mamamakes effective organic and natural herbal products for the whole journey of motherhood: pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, and baby care. They’ve been safely nurturing mamas this way since 2002 — and they wouldn’t do it any other way. Be sure to check out some of their latest products like the organic deodorant (that really works!) that Megan and I discussed at the end of today’s episode!

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