Kelli Ingram is a wife and mother to eight children by birth and adoption. She lives on a little farm in the upstate of South Carolina, enjoys being a homemaker, homesteader and instagram influencer, but her true love is for her husband and babies. She gave birth in a hospital five times in a hospital with epidurals each time but because of Covid restrictions while pregnant for the sixth time she knew she wouldn’t be allowed to have her family around for the birth. After years of thinking that birthing at home was crazy, she finally faced her fear of the pain and did it! Find her on instagram @kelliingram

Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.
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