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homebirth cesarean birth story

Homebirth to Hospital Cesarean Birth Story

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Homebirth to Hospital Cesarean Birth Story

Natalie’s first pregnancy (conceived with clomid) ended in a miscarriage. For her second pregnancy, she started right away with progesterone and blood thinning shots (she has factor v leiden). She knew for years that she wanted a home birth. She also knew the risks of home birth with her blood clotting disorder—she knew she may transfer at some point for hemorrhaging, but hoped against a placenta abruption. Her hematologist said that taking thinning injections helped cancel out that risk. She prepared for a home birth and anticipated it with so much joy. She wanted a home birth so badly. She couldn’t wait to experience that ‘meeting moment’ she had assisted so many times as a birth photographer.

Natalie’s birth began on a Tuesday morning, May 31. She labored and labored and labored. On Wednesday morning, her contractions became irregular. Wednesday night around 11 pm she transferred to the hospital, hoping to get her body back in order. Epidural didn’t work. Pitocin didn’t work. Her body metabolized the medicine. Thursday she pushed for over 4 hours. She was sure she was going to push him out. He was asynclitic (when a baby’s head is tipped towards one shoulder) and had swelling of the scalp (caput succedaneum). Her birth ended in a cesarean. She kept imagining meeting him, how it would be worth it. Her body metabolized the medicine, once again, so they had to put her under general anesthetics. She was asleep. Then when she woke up and was in a whole world of pain.

homebirth transfer cesarean

Natalie Brenner Bio

Natalie is a freelance writer, soon to be author, and professional photographer who is up for just about any crazy adventure. Natalie’s husband’s name is Loren, but she refers to him as LB. She chugs coffee while changing diapers and singing songs in silly voices to her two sweet boys who are almost 5 months apart and both 1. Before they grew by two kids, Natalie was also a doula; she is passionate about pregnancy and birth, infertility and miscarriage, as well as adoption. All around, she loves people. Connect further with her through Natalie Brenner Writes, Instagram, and Facebook. She also has a free e-book for working through grief called Wholeness Despite the Brokenness and just released her first book, This Undeserved Life: Uncovering the gifts of grief and the fullness of life.

More writing on her birth experience:



Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body
Homebirth Cesarean: Stories and Support for Families and Healthcare Providers
Homebirth Cesarean Facebook group – specifically for homebirths turned cesarean
Birth Trauma Association Facebook

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