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A Midwife’s Birth Story
I met today’s guest, Ami, through my work with Why Not Home?—a documentary about medical professionals that choose to give birth at home. Ami is a midwife, RN, and IBCLC who had planned to have a homebirth with a midwife in attendance, but ended up needing to transfer to the hospital. I love this story because it is so positive despite things not going as Ami had originally planned.
Ami Burnham Bio
Ami Burnham is a Licensed Midwife, Registered Nurse, and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant as well as a mother and partner. She has dedicated the last 17 years to supporting families throughout the childbearing years. She has been invited to speak at midwifery and obstetric conferences as well as university classrooms, and from 2009-2013, she volunteered annually to train midwives and traditional birth attendants in Haiti and Sierra Leone, with Midwives for Haiti and Midwives on Missions of Service.
Ami met the love of her life in December 2010, and was blessed to give birth to their son Axel in January 2015. They all live together in San Francisco where Ami is continuing to practice as a lactation consultant, parenting educator, and occasional midwife. You can find her at
Citizens for Midwifery – Find a Midwife
Global Health Media Breastfeeding Video Tutorials
International Lactation Consultant Directory – Find a Lactation Consultant
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