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A Story of Loss and A Rainbow Baby Birth
Today’s birth story is with Jenna who also happens to be my best friend. First, she shares the story of her son Greyson’s birth; Greyson was stillborn at almost 34 weeks gestation due to unknown causes. I was with Jenna when the doctor told us there was no heartbeat and walked with her in her grief for the days, weeks and months after his birth.
Her pregnancy with Greyson’s little brother, Gavin, was so exciting but also very stressful for Jenna as she was always concerned about losing another baby. The day she and her husband, Adam, met their rainbow baby was a day they will never forget.

Jenna Edwards Bio
Jenna Edwards is the mother of two boys, Greyson Lewis, who was stillborn in September 2014, and Gavin Lee, who is 7 months old. She and her husband live in Austin, TX and are learning each day how to parent one child in heaven while having one in their arms.
Grieving Parents—Surviving Loss as a Couple
Pregnancy After Loss Facebook Group
Landon’s Legacy Retreat for Mothers Who’ve Lost a Baby + Amelia’s Birth Story
So thankful that you shared your story! It has been 45 years since my baby boy Brent was stillborn and the pain of coming home with empty arms and loss is still felt. God blessed me with three more healthy babies. Like you, I never relaxed while I carried them and relived my first pregnancy.
Thank you for sharing. I left a review on the podcast as well. I drew so many parallels to your story Jenna, even down to the neighbor next door who will have a baby girl next month. I truly appreciate you sharing your grief and inspiration.
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Jenna – thank you for sharing the stories of your angel baby and your earth baby. You tell these with so much heartfelt detail and emotion and strength. I really appreciate you sharing so openly. And, Bryn, I appreciate you asking your best friend to share this story with the greater world. Sending much love to you both, and your families.
Thank you so much that you shared your storry! I really needed to hear somebody telling me about the pregnancy after a loss. For the moment I’m trying to stay positiv about my actual pregnancy but some days it’s just so hard! I really want to meet my baby, but I still have 8 weeks to go!
But with your story in my mind I hope it will go easyer! Thank you for ssharing!