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Homebirth, Miscarriage, & Twin Birth Center Birth Stories

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Costa Rican Homebirth

Having trained as a doula, Jen had a solid knowledge-base heading into her welcome, though very surprising, first pregnancy! She knew that she wanted midwifery care and a home birth and was able to find an amazing midwife early in pregnancy. The pregnancy unfolded normally, without any complications, but with some lucid (and prophetic) dreams. Her Mum and Aunty were able to fly to Costa Rica from Canada and were present for the 17 hour labor and birth into water of her beautiful son Caio on September 29th 2011 at 10:31 am.

Jen’s Experience with Loss

Jen was delighted to become pregnant in April 2013, and had a normal healthy pregnancy until almost 13 weeks, when her waters broke and labor began. She gave birth to a still baby on July 11. Jen conceived again in December of 2014, which resulted in a chemical pregnancy (sperm-egg connection but no implantation) and self-terminated at 7 weeks.

Twins Birth Center in Costa Rica Birth

In March 2015, Jen had another positive pregnancy test. She began prenatal care but chose to do minimal testing and declined an early ultrasound. She wanted to enjoy the pregnancy without any expectations, just spending time with baby even if the time together would be short. Measuring large at 16 weeks, Jen agreed to an ultrasound and was shocked and delighted to be carrying twins; She chose to change birth plans from a home birth to a birth center with her midwife and OB present. The pregnancy progressed normally, and Jen, her partner, and big brother Caio were over the moon to welcome Tobias and Elena on December 4, 2015, at 9:28 pm and 9:35 pm, respectively, after a gentle 6 hour labor.

Twin new borns

Jen McLennan Bio

Jen lives in Costa Rica with her partner Julio and their three lovely locos: Caio, Toby and Elena. She is a yoga instructor specializing in kids classes and the family also manages a small guest house and yoga center, Casa Zen ( She has always been drawn to birth and is passionate about supporting women to make informed choices during prenatal care, labor, delivery, and postpartum. Connect with her at or on Facebook—JenShine McKate.


Birthing From Within
Spiritual Midwifery
The Birth Partner

Earth Mama Organics

Today’s episode is brought to you by Earth Mama Organics. From the positive test to the big push, from the first latch to the thousandth diaper, Earth Mama makes effective organic and natural herbal products for the whole journey of motherhood: pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, and baby care. They’ve been safely nurturing mamas this way since 2002 — and they wouldn’t do it any other way.

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