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homebirth postpartum transfer

Homebirth Postpartum Transfer & Healing Second Birth in Hospital

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Homebirth with Retained Placenta Hospital Transfer

After suffering a chemical pregnancy, Nikkie was determined to learn more about her birthing options and to become an advocate for her own healthcare. As a result, she chose to have her first child at home. After four hours of pushing, her baby boy was born, but her placenta was retained and would not deliver naturally. She was transferred by ambulance to the local hospital where medical staff attempted to extract the placenta manually; but, they only managed to remove half, which caused her to hemorrhage. Nikki had to undergo general anesthesia to have her placenta successfully removed. After a double blood transfusion, she was sent home, with her baby boy, to recover. The whole experience was in stark contrast to the low-intervention home birth she’d hoped for.

Empowering & Healing Hospital Birth

Two years later, Nikkie discovered she was pregnant again, but when the results of her 10-week blood test came back abnormal, she learned that the blood transfusion she’d received in the hospital had caused her body to create an antigen that could put her pregnancy at risk. Thankfully, her baby girl did not carry this antigen and her pregnancy ended up being normal. Through hypnobirthing, Nikkie was able to overcome her birthing fears created by the trauma following her son’s delivery. In an empowering and healing hospital birth, Addison was born in under three hours on a beautiful day in May.

healing hospital birth

Nikkie Kent Bio

Nikkie Kent is the Executive Vice President of Sales at Mamava, the women-owned company on a mission to transform the culture of breastfeeding. She’s passionate about bringing more Mamava pods into the world to ensure that all mamas have access to clean private spaces wherever they go. Mama of Asher and Addison, Nikkie lives with her husband in Vermont where she loves to grow, make, and eat good food. Connect with her on Facebook: @nikkiekent or Instagram: @niksoccer1. You can find Mamava on Facebook @mamavaVT and Instagram @mamava_vt as well.


Mamava Website and the Mobile App
The Business of Being Born
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Work Pump Repeat

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