Kayla shares both her birth stories today. Her first birth was in an international hospital in Bangkok, Thailand in 2022. Kayla worked to create a team to support her desire for a low intervention birth in a culture where heavy intervention is the norm. Kayla found out at just 7 weeks that she was pregnant with twins. Even though her dad is a twin it came as a total shock. They decided to return to the US to have the twins and be near family for support during the first few months. Kayla sought a provider that would support a vaginal twin birth even if twin B was breech. Kayla was 38&6 and was scheduled for an induction the next day, she decided to take castor oil to try for a more natural induction and avoid Pitocin. She went into labor just a few hours after taking it and had a healthy vaginal unmediated delivery of her twins in less than 6 hours.

Kayla Amlung Coupe Bio
Kayla, her husband Adam and their three children are currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. For the last three years they worked as missionaries in Thailand where their first daughter, Jubilee, was born. Kayla is enjoying all the craziness that is three under three as she and her husband dream up what adventure is next for their family. Leave a comment here to connect with Kayla.
- Birth Stories from The Birth Hour
- Know Your Options Childbirth Course for preparing you for all of the ways birth could go.
- Christian Hypnobirthing App for pregnancy
- Bridget Tyler’s Youtube Channel
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