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cholestasis induction

Inductions for Cholestasis Birth Stories

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Missed Epidural, and Two Inductions for Cholestasis.

Megan gave birth to her first child in December 2012. Her only “birth plan” was to get an epidural…unfortunately that didn’t go as planned! When her daughter was born in March 2016, Megan was induced at 38 weeks due to possible cholestasis (ICP). She was able to get her epidural that time and the induction went relatively smoothly. For her last baby, born April 2018, Megan was induced at 37 weeks after it was confirmed she had cholestasis. She delivered her baby girl about 4 hours after the induction process started. Her daughter had to spend about a week in the NICU due to respiratory distress. Between her three pregnancies and births, Megan has dealt with just about every pre and post natal situation there is!

Megan Carranza Bio

Megan lives with her husband, Manny and their family in Elgin IL. Megan is the proud mama to three amazing kids: Logan, age 6. Liliana, age 3. And Laila, who will be one in April! Megan is also the host and creator of the podcast ‘Adventures in Autism’ where she shares her family’s journey with autism, (Logan was diagnosed in March 2017) as well interviews with other families and individuals affected by autism. To connect with Megan follow @adventuresinautismpod on Instagram!


The Birth Hour, of course!
Other great podcasts: The Birthful Podcast
The Boob Group, for breastfeeding info and support!
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One Reply to “Inductions for Cholestasis Birth Stories”

  1. In this episode, Megan mentions a birth hour episode where a mom faces a stillbirth as a conplication of ICP. Is this episode still available? I’ve looked for it

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